Chapter 27

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*** Two weeks later: As I got myself ready for work, it was back to normal. It may be a huge change me now considering I won't be given a credit card to spend any money that I wanted, but I would survive. This is the life I lived before Ryder came into the picture. 

I didn't receive a text nor phone call from Ryder, but I didn't care at this point. At the end of the day, he was never a relationship. He was more like my personal bank. I missed him at some points, but I was a hard-working woman, and refused to have a man occupy my mind. Well, for the most part. 

There have been nights where I've missed Jess. I missed her company, coming home to her every night but I remembered how she acted before I left with Ryder. I didn't really want to associate myself with someone like that. I didn't need the negativity in my life nor drama. 

I offered to stay past 2 to help David at the bar. "You can go home if you want, Tally."

"No, it's okay. I don't mind. Besides, this is prime time for the drunks to roll in."

"How've you been? You've been working your tail off, I haven't had a chance to speak with you."

"I'm good, just dealing with the guy that came in that one night."

Frank nodded. "Ryder, was it?"

"Yep, that's him."

Frank chuckled. "I'll kick him out if he chooses to come back here."

"As good as that sounds, I can handle him."

Frank smiled. "Just want your head in the right place, Tally. You're the reason why this bar functions so well."

"I don't know about that."

"I had to get rid of five employees after you left, everyone became so damn lazy, and it was giving this place a bad reputation."

"So, you are saying I'm the glue to this place?"


"Well, I should get back to work."

"Of course."

After taking a few orders, I noticed someone sit at the bar. "What can I get you?"

"Crown Royal on the rocks, if you don't mind."

I poured the drink and slid the glass across the bar, looking at a man who looked extremely familiar. "How are you, Tally?"



"Oh, one of Ryder's friends. Right?"

"Yes, that's me."

I didn't remember him that well, but we did briefly get introduced when I met Britney, one of the other girls at the restaurant that night. "I cut things off with Ryder."

"Oh, did you?"

"I missed working."

"I respect that. Makes sense why he's been acting tense lately but I'm sure he won't have an issue finding another woman to replace you."

"Not at all."

"What happened to Britney?"

He rolled his eyes. "She only wanted money, nothing else."

"Well, that is your job after all."

"Not when I want something more than just providing money for a woman."


He smiled. "Well, tonight's my forty fifth birthday and maybe, just maybe you can be my next and last."

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