Chapter 1

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"Ok class," Miss Abby spoke. "No messing around today. We have Competition this week."
I grinned at Brooke and Bia excitedly. Jojo raised her hand.
"Miss Abby," she questioned. "Who's getting the duet this week?"
We all hated Jojo. She was 1 year older than me and very, very annoying.
"Patience Jojo," Paige murmured and we all giggled.
"Ok!" Miss Abby pulled off the bottom person on the pyramid. "Nia, you couldn't come to lasts week's competition." She nodded. "Understood." She pulled the second person off. "Paige, again, you need to work on your arms."
Paige nodded but when her back was turned Chloe and Paige shared a rolling eyes.
"Jojo," Miss Abby pulled off the 3rd person. "Where is your facial expressions?! C'mon, get with it!"
Jojo leant back on her arm. "I can't get to sleep with my mum nagging at me." She smiled sweetly at Miss Abby. "Can you?"
We all stared at one another. Jojo was so in for it.
"Get out," Miss Abby hissed. Jojo got up and left the room.
"Honestly." Miss Abby pulled off the next person. Chloe.
"Ummm...Miss Abby?" Chloe raised her hand. "Why?"
"Good question. Chloe, you need to work on your timing. You're just not doing it right."
Chloe nodded and sighed. She was so used to being second row.
"Ok, next line." Miss Abby pulled off Brooke's picture. "Well done Brooke. This week, you'll be doing a solo called, "Always." She took her eyes ok me. "I have a special treat for you Mackenzie."
I leant back in my hands and looked up. My eyes shone to see what was there.
"Maddie, excellent work last week. You will also be doing a solo called, "Break Free." Yes, by Ariana Grande."
Maddie was second row?! That meant...
"Mackenzie," Miss Abby pulled off the final person on top...Me?! "You're also doing a solo called "Hard to be". And, you're doing a duet with Maddie."
I was on top...I couldn't believe it! I grinned and jumped up. "Thank you Miss Abby..."
I glanced at my sister who was picking at her nails. Oops!
"Maddie," Miss Abby continued. "Mackenzie is doing a dance you once did. "Cry?"
Maddie looked up and smiled at me. "Really?"
"Yes! Now, I want you to go in the back room and teach your sister it while I work on Brooke's solo. Everyone else, go with Alison to work on the group dance. Mom's, you are excused."

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