Chapter 6

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"Ok girl's!" Miss Abby mentioned the girl's over. "There is a section in the group dance called "Wait." You have to trust each over to create your own pyramid, when Brooke will jump off the top and make you all fall!"
We all gasped. Brooke stared at Miss Abby.
"Don't worry, if we can pull this off then we can do anything! C'mon girl's, I need you in groups of 3!"
I jumped up and started to walk to Kendall. Then I thought.
"I need Paige."
I walked straight towards Paige who had already got Chloe."
"Hey guys!" I smiled at them, totally ignoring Kendall in the back.
Nia, Brooke and Kenzie went together. There was Lauren and Jojo left. And Kendall.
"Hurry up girl's!" Miss Abby clapped her hands. "Ok, now talk amongst yourselves!"
"Hi Maddie..." Paige mumbled.
Chloe couldn't even look at me. I beamed at both of them.


Maddie: Can I be with you then?
Paige: Erm...
Chloe: Sure. Whatever.
Paige: Ok.
Maddie: Cool. Ok, so what do you think we're going to do?
Chloe: An excerise. Like, trusting each other."
Maddie: Same.
Paige: That'll be cool.
Chloe: I can't believe Miss Abby made you get up when your foot's still hurting!
Paige: I know, right?
Maddie: She's so mean.
Chloe: I wouldn't say that, she's a good teacher I guess.
Paige: Yeah.
Maddie: Umm..Yeah.
Chloe: Hey Paige, ready for our awesome sleepover this Saturday?
Paige: Sister...I WAS BORN READY!
Maddie: Sleepover?
Paige: Whoops...That was a bit loud..
Chloe: You're practically always loud.
Maddie: Hey, when was our last sleepover? Like, November?! We need another sleepover!
Chloe: We do?
Paige: We can't do this Saturday. Me and Chloe already have plans.
Chloe: Or Tuesday evening.
Paige: Or Wednesday evening.
Maddie: How about next Saturday?
Chloe: Who's house?
Maddie: Mine?
Paige: Er...It's my sister's birthday!
Chloe: Oh, Happy Birthday to Brooke!
Paige: Thanks! I mean...I beg she'll say thanks!
Maddie: I didn't know it was Brooke's birthday?
Paige: It is.
Chloe: Yeah.
Maddie: Wow. Well..Umm, how about we have a sleepover then Chloe?
Chloe: Erm...I guess so...
Maddie: Great!

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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