OPM: Heroic lunacy

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DISCLAIMER: One Punch man is owned by ONE and the anime is written by Tomohiro Suzuki. Deadpool is owned by The Walt Disney Company/Marvel Entertainment

A/N:This character's origin story is based on Deadpool's origin story. And-

???: SHUT UP!! I wanna introduce myself to the readers now!

A/N: No you shut up! I'm trying to finish my intro, be patient.

???: ...Fine go ahead.

A/N: Like I was saying, it will take place at the end of episode 3 and continues through episode 4 of the show. Now you can introduce yourself, you just needed to wait.

Nebaru: I am Nebaru Kichigaizata and if you know Japanese (or if you just use google translate.) it means persistent madness which says a lot about the laziness of the-


Nebaru: Now who's impatient?

A/N: ...Sorry, but please just stick to the point.

Nebaru: Alrighty then! So a few months ago I became a hero for fun (like a certain bald guy) but someone *cough Tiny Tatsu Bitch cough* said I couldn't because I didn't have any powers (I was extremely fast and quite fit at the time but apparently that wasn't enough)and then I proceeded to call her a cute little brat who forgot when nap time was and she then proceeded to beat me into a pulp. A little bit later I conveniently find an ad for a test subject to help advance human evolution. so then I called the number on it and then go to a large building in the forest to meet a guy named Dr. Genus and he leads me to a lab down inside the building's basement, injects me with some chemicals and stuff, and then (like who I'm based on) I get the ability to regenerate like crazy and become crazy in the process. Unlike who I'm based on, I don't have cancer. So my face doesn't look like a Mole rat with cancer had sex with a baseball glove that hasn't been touched since the 1900's. Now you can write what happened next Mr. Author.

A/N: Thank you Nebaru, now lettuce begin

Nebaru: I see what you did there.

A/N: I don't know what you mean.


We can see Nebaru strapped onto a medical bed while while a Dr. Genus clone operates on him until another clone runs in...

"We need to see this!" the clone says interrupting the other clone's focus. "We need to see what?"

 "The bald man has just defeated Carnage Kabuto!"

the clone operating on me gasps and says, "Where?!"

 "Follow me!"

 they both run away leaving me by myself and the voices in my head

 'Well that was most certainly rude.'

 'I know right? We should go and rip their heads off for leaving us like that' 

"I agree with you two" I say, "but there's just one problem."


 "I'm bound to a medical bed."

  'Oh right. I forgot about that' 

Suddenly a white cyborg who has an afro that could rival a black hippie  from the 70's and a bald guy who is wearing the equivalent to a pencil with a white tissue cape run by. 

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