The void that was his eyes - part 6

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Nick was skipping 1st period again.

walking down the hallway towards the mens bathroom. He skipped 1st period a lot. So much that when he did show up, his teacher Mr . Garry,  would laugh at him in front of the whole classroom.

His friend George, also had Mr . Garry, and he would go on and on about how he talked so much about Nick, and it was basically all he did. He would make bets on when Nick would come to class.

one time he made a bet with a student for $20 that Nick would come back on tuesday, on the 4th. Of course George had told Nick, and he decided to come to class the day after, on the 5th.

Nick's shoes were loud, maybe because they were new, or maybe because he liked warning kids in the bathroom he was there, before walking in.

Nick reached the mens bathroom turning his head slightly when he heard a clanging; the sound of metal hitting the tiled bathroom. He walked in, making sure his shoes were heard,

As he walked past the stall he paused. Staring at the floor. The white tiles contrasted the deep red that seeped around a sliver blade. Nick stared before realizing the person in the stall, had also noticed he was there. The person bent down carefully picking it up, his hands were pale and skinny, obviously from a lack of nutrition,

Nick found it ironic that someone was also in the bathroom for the same reason he was in the bathroom yesterday. He turned and walked 2 stalls down (the biggest stall) opening the door, slipping inside, and tossing his bag on the floor, before turning to it and grabbing his phone and headphones out. His phone was tattered, and broken beyond repair, he knew this because he tried to get it repaired but they said he just needed to 'buy a new one'.

Nick scrolled on twitter, his name popped up all over his 'for you' some was fanart, some was his friend clay talking about dumb shit with karl, or quackity. Sometimes even a kid named Tommy. Nick didn't really care for Tommy though, he was loud and obnoxious, always starting trouble and drama on their smp.

Nick pressed his home button, bringing him back to his app page, selecting spotify and turning on his playlist, mainly stupid songs. He put his head back as the song 'minnesota is a place that exists,' started to play.

his eyes closed, focusing on the lyrics and less on the burning feeling on his back, his father had kicked hard last night, it had bruised slightly, leaving a stingy painful sensation on his back when he sat in seats or on the cold tiles leaning against the bathroom wall.

he opened his eyes to see blood dripping on the floor from the stall 2 doors down, he was slightly concerned, about the amount of blood, and considered giving him gauge or atleast getting him a bandaid.

Before he knew it the bell rung, he sighed standing up and picking up the bag before walking towards the door, he didn't bother locking it, it's not like he was hiding. He had been 'caught' skipping classes multiple times, at this point his mother was just sick of the calls saying her son had skipped class again.

It didn't really matter though, he had good grades, not straight A's obviously, but he didn't have any F's, so his mom didn't care what he did at school, or if he smoked or relapse and all they would say is,

"But did you pass that test?" or

"Did you atleast get your homework done for the week?"

At this point Nick was just used to it.

He swung the bag over his shoulder, striding out the stall, pausing when he saw the blood comeing out from under the stall door, he could see through the gap, the kids hair was blonde and curly, Nicks eyes widened, staring at the blue zip up thrown over a red shirt, his sleeves rolled all the way up and blood dripping down his arm, the kid just stared at the cuts, the blood.

"Nick hurry up, we're going to be late to 2nd period, jack off later." Clay called walking into the bathroom grinning.

Nick stared at Clay, "I'm not-"

"Whatever," He rolled his eyes, forgetting the blonde kid, who was desperately cleaning the floor now.

Nick kept his head up as he walked past Clay, who looked confused and followed him.

"Who was that?" He asked

"I don't know," Nick responded, "Some blonde kid."

Clay looked equally as confused as Nick,

"What?" He said,

"I saw his hair, he's tall as shit." Nick refraised his words.

Clay looked forward and grinned at Karl, who was walking slowly down the hall, his purple hoodie reaching his thighs, and his dark jeans dragging on the floor.

Nick looked at Clay, unamused,

"Shut up," He said,

"I didn't say anything." He laughed nudging him in the side as Karl walked past.

Nick stared at Karl, his eyebags dark, his eyes red.

Nick shoved clay, who fell with a loud thump, stiffening a gasp, slamming into a girl named Niki, who also went down.

"Clay get off." She demanded, grabbing her bag that Clay had landed on top of,

Clay sat up, his face red from embarrassment,

Kids giggled as they passed him, one kid with whitish-blonde hair, side eyed Clay as he walked passed.

Nick looked up, Karl was smiling, walking down the hall. Nick felt his heart flutter, and his face grow red, another guy stood infront of karl, he looked back at Nick his face disgusted and tears dripping off of his face.

"Nick help me up." Clay whined, shooting his hand up. Nick grabbed it pulling him up, clay noticed Nicks face was red. "homo." He said laughing and staring at Karl, who was now walking past them.

"Shut up." He mumbled, catching karl's eyes before he walked out of his sight.

Dark and cold, he obviously wasnt there, if Nick was being honest, he could get lost in them for days, maybe even months. Nick wondered what he was thinking about, and why that guy, Q was it? Was crying so hard.

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