Chapter N.54-Plating Goodness

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"Ume jumps around the kitchen, admiring all the tasty stuff the "cooks" are making."

Ume=I'm in heaven, Lady Roma!

Rom=Even though my cooking skills are divine, you sadly aren't there...

Bez=Divine skills? You still have a long way until you reach me!

"Giggling at their fighting, she smells a familiar sauce."

"Running to the source, she sees a black woman with long and beautiful locks."


"But when the woman turns around, her eyes aren't purple, but green."

Oar=Hello there, Ume. I am Oarse...

Ume=I'm sorry...

Ume=For a second, I really thought you were my mom...

Ume=I'm so dumb...

Oar=... I know how it feels to miss a dear person. Don't worry.

Oar=Why don't you come see what I'm cooking?

"In a giant pot, red sauce is warm and ready."

Oar=I'm making Jollof Rice since I heard you have nigerian origins.~

"With her throat clumped, Ume quietly asks:"

Ume=Can I hug you?

Oar=Of course, cutie.~

"As she wraps her arms around the Goddess, Ume feels at ease. She feels home for an instant."

Oar=Are you liking the experience here?

Ume=Of course I do. I've never felt this happy.

Ume=There's food and good people. This is all I need in life.~

Oar=You are so cute... I wish there was more people like you.

"Ume is touched, placing her hands on the heart."

Oar=Where will you go, next?

Ume=Our next stop is some city with a weird name... Up in the mountains, just at the beginning of Brachyura...

Oar=You mean Schwanzstadt!

Oar=You should visit their library, you'll find interesting stuff in there.

Ume=Ohh! Like what?

Oar=How am I supposed to tell you the contents of thousands of books, dear?

Oar=If I were Zyopas, maybe I could. But that's not the point.

Oar=Go and look for yourself.~

Ume=I absolutely will! I need to become strong to stand up for myself!

Oar=To stand up for yourself?


Ume=My master isn't here... Zastava is about to stay behind, and even though there are many people helping me...

Ume=I need to be strong. If one day I'll be left alone, I need to be strong for myself.

Oar=That is an interesting concept. You are right, but you are being too dramatic.~

Oar=No one is ever left alone. Even Meganeth had his little brother still caring for him...

"Maelle finishes cutting up steaks, with Raf."

Mae=... Roma, Bezra! Is your food ready?

Bez=We're good to go!

Oar=Mine too!

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