Chapter N.56-Aiming Forward

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"Ume and Alexandra come back inside, hand by hand."

Der=There's no way...

Der=Ume, what are you doing?

Ume=I liked her kiss... It made me feel happy...

Mir=... Women.

Mir=Anyway, I was saying...

Mir=I'm so pissed off. That bitch destroyed my rifle!

"Roland comes around."

Rol=I was eavesdropping, sorry...

Mir=General Roland... That's not good manners.

Rol=I know. This is why I have to gift you something to make you forgive me!

Rol=Your rifle is broken... Why don't you come with me and choose a new one?

Rol=I have a personal armory. It's like a huge wall full of weapons!

Mir=That sparks my interest. Let me see.

Rol=Zastava, come with us! You gotta see!

Zas=Of course I am!

"Walking through the long corridors and many rooms, they get into another underground room."

Ume=How is this place so big?

Rol=We are many... The House had to be this big...

"In this clean, velvety,black room, a wall of weapons hanged are hiding behind a glass."

Zas=It looks just like our Armory in The Brawl Corona...

Der=But it's like a hundred times smaller.

Zas=But I can still see pieces of value in here...

"He places his eyes on a pistol."

Zas=Is that...

Rol=The original one, yep.

Rol=Denver's revolver.

Zas=What a legendary gun...

Ume=Ohh-ohh! General Roland, who is it that killed Demetra?

Rol=There are so many dumb theories about it.

Rol=It's so obvious that it was my guy Denver that killed her.

Rol=One of his Back-Slashers plunged into her head. As easy as that.

Zas=I agree with Roland.

Zas=And wow, what a day for The Leemboah.

Zas=We won... Even after so many years... I still can't believe it.

"Their eyes all wonder through the precious wall."

Zas=You use sniper rifles, right?

Zas=This one's a good piece, if you ask me.

"Mirisom gets next to a greenish weapon."

Zas=This rifle is a Hueso5. It was developed and mass-produced a few months after the war had ended.

Mir=Why would you keep a common piece like this?

Rol=It's a good reminder. War had ended, and people who bought this rifle, only bought it because they liked it.

Rol=I can totally give it to you, if you wish.

Mir=... I like it. Can I try and shoot it?

Rol=Yeah. Let me take it.

"And while Mirisom tries a weapon..."

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