Chapter N.72-Comforting Shell

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"He opens the door, pulling his headphones down to his neck."

"Tyr smiles at our group."


Tyr=Aww! It's Grigore's daughter!

"Yuki tilts her head up to look at his chubby face.'

Yuk=You are so tall!

"While he shakes hands with everyone, he asks:"

Tyr=Eh? How come you have the little Yuki-Onna?

Yuk=Hello, Mr. Armadillo! I am Yukione Tomarei!

"He buckles his belt, as his grey eyes spark."

Tyr=I am Tyr, Great Master of Armor Energy! Nice to meet you, Yukione!

Yuk=By the way, I'm here because my mom has to do stuff in this city.

Ume=It's about The Zwillauge, those knights that attacked us yesterday.

Tyr=Ah, yes. Those guys...

Tyr=Anyway, get in, or you're going to catch a cold!

"As they get inside, Tyr lets them hang their coats next to the entrance."

Tyr=There you go! Now come with me downstairs, my real house is down there.

"In fact, as they look around, all the see a blank bed and a table."

Mir=You have a home underground?


"The climb downstairs. Yuki leaves her chair upstairs, to go there with a mechanic chair on the wall."

Mir=Sounds cool. Why did you choose so?

Tyr=I have my needs...

"As soon as the stairs end, they find themselves in a giant room, with all kinds of musical instruments."

Mir=Oh, I get it. You don't want to make too much noise, so you live underground.

Tyr=Yes... They probably would have kicked me out of the city, if not...

"He places his eyes on Derek."

Tyr=Hey, Derek. You work out, don't you?

Der=I do. Why are you asking?

Tyr=Let me show you my personal gym!

Tyr=I know it doesn't seem like it, but I work out, too!

Der=That's what I thought. Sumo wrestlers do the same as you, I believe.

Tyr=You got it!

Tyr=My fat helps in fight, and...

Tyr=I love eating, of course!~

Ume=I feel you.

Yuk=Me too.

Tyr=Mh... It's time for dinner. Maybe someone wants to try my food?


"They follow him in the kitchen. And as the others go sit at a table, Ume stays with him."

"She admires the different spices, herbs and ingredients overflowing from the drawers."

Tyr=Ume, how is Grigore at home?

Ume=You're not the first person that asks me...

"Tyr takes a huge cod out of a fridge room."

Ume=He is kind and drinks lots.

Tyr=Right, he never stops drinking... I remember one time we went out for a beer, Zastava, Grigore and I.

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