Blow My Brains Out

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 Sometimes I wish I could lend you my shoes,

Lend you my life, and lend you my truth.


Percy caught sight of Loki's free hand as it rose to his throat, and he kicked out with his good leg to try to put some distance between them.

Loki shifted his grip on Percy's jumper again and grunt when Percy's foot met his shin. "Don't bother . And I'd suggest saving your oxygen," he muttered, letting go of Percy's collar with his other hand settled around his throat under his jaw. "Now listen to me."

"Listen to what , asshole? And how do you know about Tartarus?" Percy wheezed out, nails scratching at Loki's wrist and right now would be a great time for Riptide to reappear in his pocket from on the floor of his bedroom. "Your plans for world domination?"

Loki rolled his eyes. "Nothing quite so predictable, Perseus. And ," he bit out, "I am a frost giant. You would be surprised how little monsters have to talk about outside of gossip, little demigod. An unholy terror of Poseidon's ends up in their homeland and it's all any of them will talk about . You have quite the poisonous reputation. I have to admit to being disappointed that you don't seem to match up."

Percy drew his good knee up and planted his foot against Loki's chest, levering himself further off the ground and away, hopefully straining the god's fingers or arm. "Yeah, I'm always telling them to stop exaggerating," he snarled, rolling his eyes. "I'm not that scary. Now let the fuck go."

Something flickered in the air, and Loki's smile only grew wider. Perseus's bent leg balanced him against his chest and the hand around his throat and his eyes were darker than Loki had seen them.

It was always fun when a demigod inherited something like that. The smell of ozone was nearly burning the back of his throat now, stronger because he knew the magic, because he was more sensitive to it, but even without that, he was surprised Perseus's hair wasn't standing on end, or at least floating above his head with the static electricity.

Then again, lightning wasn't exactly Poseidon's domain.

"Really, godspawn? Is this all you can do, puff up your quills and make yourself look bigger?"

His face contorted further, and Loki recognised Lupa in the expression. Interesting, if only because he still found it odd that the Greek and Roman pantheon had met like that.

But it didn't matter, because right now he just needed to push Poseidon's brat over the edge, scare the off the Avengers for a bit, and push the damn child back to his camp for a few weeks.

Those dreams of his were getting out of hand; even the god of tricksters couldn't keep a determined one out forever.

And he knew that those camps of theirs had more magical protection from malice. So all he needed to do was figure out what exactly was influencing Olympus' salvation.

But there was still ozone in the air, and Loki still had his hand around Perseus's throat, and he still needed to know that he wasn't completely gone, not yet.

Percy's head was spinning. He was getting air, but it really wasn't enough to last him much longer, and there was a headache building pressure behind his eyes and even he could taste the copper of an oncoming storm. He kicked out with his dangling leg, winced when he connected with Loki's shin again, but managed to drag in another grasp when the god readjusted his grip. "What are you doing ," he ground out through a burning throat and lungs. "What do you want ? I can't breathe —" and he felt stupid for admitting it, because what else would be happening anyway? But maybe it would grant him a reprieve.

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