Just Breathe? How Am I Supposed To Do That

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I knew because of my small stature that I wouldn't be able to hide my pregnancy from David much longer, but I hadn't expected the reaction I got stepping into his office in a tank top and leggings.

He opened his mouth in an attempt to question why I was here on my day off, but the words died as quickly as his thoughts. His expression, outside of the shock widening his beady eyes into saucers, was unreadable. I had spent the last three days rehearsing the dozens of ways this could go, but I couldn't find my own words.

"You're pregnant?" David finally said, slowly rising to his feet and adjusting the tie that had been draped loosely around his neck.

"Nearly twenty four weeks." I answered, straightening. "I just. . . I tried to keep quiet about it for as long as I could, but with the next Gala coming up next weekend, I knew in the dress you'd no doubt be able to see the bump."

He approached slowly, crossing his arms as he stopped a few feet away. "You quitting on me, Fuller?"

"I didn't intend to." I met his eyes. "This job has been my backbone the last three years and I need it now more than ever."

Relief washed over him so suddenly his shoulders slumped forward and he slapped a hand on to his glistening head. "Thank God. I thought for sure you'd come in here to leave me without my best waitress."


I couldn't say I wasn't relieved too. In fact, hearing that he was okay with the pregnancy was a small weight off my shoulders and I could finally breathe again, even if it were only temporarily

"We'll talk more this weekend about your maternity leave and everything." His eyes shot to my stomach. "I suppose a congratulations is due?"


When I finally stepped back into the penthouse, I thought about turning on my heel and barricading myself in the elevator. Not only was the tension thick in the air, but the current stance Lincoln was in had me fearing he was seconds from strangling the life out of Miles. Monae was sitting on the arm of the beige recliner, forehead in hand and muttering to herself.

"There you are!" Mona gasped upon hearing the dinging of the elevator as it made it's great escape before it had to be witness to the drama and mess that was unfolding.

"I tried calling you." Miles said through his teeth, walking around the oppiste side of the couch to where Lincoln was standing, still tense as he edged closer. "Monae said you guys were living here and she said you'd be home an hour ago."

"Then this guy showed up." Mona made a gesture with her thumb in Link's direction. "And it's reeked of Alpha Male in here since."

I turned my attention to Miles first, as he was the one in need of it. "I got your text. I tried sending one back but I guess my signal must have cut out or something."

"Can we talk?" he made sure to shoot Lincoln a glare. "Alone."

Though he looked as if he were ready to protest, Link shifted his gaze entirely as I led Miles to my room at the end of the hall. He pressed the door shut gently behind me and stood in front of it.

"I talked to my parents about the whole situation." he didn't beat around the bush. At least that was something we had in common. "They wanted a DNA test, but when I explained the entire thing to them, they dropped that. They do want to meet you. And they want ultrasound pictures."

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