Help? I've Never Had Any

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"Did you read the article I sent you on SIDS? And Crib Bumpers?"

Switching my phone on to speaker, I dropped it on to my rose gold comforter and grabbed my dress from the closet. "Yes, Mom. I've read every article you've sent me."

"I know that you think I'm being crazy and illogical now, Arielle, but the anxiety you'll feel once that baby is here, you'll be thankful you already have all this knowledge." Mom said, matter-of-factly. I could hear a quiet chatter behind her, she must have called as soon as she'd gotten to work, which meant that she probably had an audience of her coworkers standing around and listening in. "I'm just trying to help, honey."

"I know, Mom. I appreciate it." I answered, starting to slip into my dress. "Seriously, Mom. I really appreciate you're help."

There was silence for so long on the other end outside of the background noise I thought she'd stepped away from the phone for a moment. Then finally, she said, "Did you check out the resources I sent for Post-Partum Depression and Anxiety?"

I dropped my hands to my sides limply and stared blankly at the phone. "Mom, just because you had it with all three of us doesn't mean I will."

"Ari, I'm just trying to prepare you for what's to come. I had it so severe with you that I had to be put on medication. Between your anxiety, sleep deprivation, and hormones leveling out, it takes a huge toll on your body, both mentally and physically."

I swallowed hard and looked toward the door. "I'll read them later, Mom. I have a huge charity event tonight with David and I need Mona to zip this dress, it barely fits. I love you."

I hung up before she could continue or my emotions could consume me.

I vaguely remember Mom after she had Miranda. She'd been a zombie, lacking any emotions, and when she did show any sign of being human, it was usually lashing out at Dad or sobbing uncontrollably. The thought of possibly having to experience even a fraction of that was terrifying.

Shaking myself from the funk before I couldn't escape it, I grabbed my bags and rushed out of the room to Monae's at the end of the hall. I knocked once before entering and immediately walked to her full length mirror and stared myself down. From the front, the black, knee length dress didn't show even the slightest of my baby bump, but when I turned, my profile gave me away.

"Do you see this, Mona? I—" my words died quickly in my mouth when I turned and found a very obviously naked Deandre in my best friend's bed, luckily with the comforter pulled over his lower abdomen. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were here!"

Andre laughed and shook his head. "Nah, you're good, Ari. You need help with the dress?"

A small smile touched at my lips at the thought of how many times my best friend must have begged him to zip her up or force a dress on to her-or off her is more like it.

"Um, if you don't mind? As long as you're wearing something under those."

He chuckled but swung his long legs over the side of the bed and to my immediate relief he was wearing a pair of basketball shorts.

"I got you." he winked, and for a second I felt a small pang of curiosity. I'd never really been within such a close proximity of Deandre, he'd always been in a car or on the court, sometimes across the room with Mona on his lap. But having him behind me, I had to question why Mona continued to keep their relationship strictly on a as-needed basis. Mona's parents were incredibly strict, but Deandre was literally the walking version of the man they'd always told her to find. Tall, athletic, great head on his shoulders, and he definitely wasn't bad to look at. His rich, dark skin contrasted so much against my shoulder I contemplated heading to the beach this weekend to get a tan. And those eyes, the darkest of browns with green flecks in them in the right lighting, fanned by long, dark lashes, he was the perfect match for my breathtakingly gorgeous best friend. Only I suppose neither of them saw it that way. "Mona's in the shower. I don't know if you want to wait for her or not."

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