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'ANOTHER ONE!' I shout at the bartender. 'Li, calm down. Unless you want us to get caught' Aella says. I roll my eyes at her annoying remark. She always gets to come outside. She gets to go wherever she wants. Unlike me, I have to ask for permission or sneak out to go places. "Maybe it's because she's the alpha's daughter," my wolf says. "Iris, we're the beta's daughter, yet we have to ask, and we're almost 21!" I reply while throwing back another shot. She whimpers at the thought of my father.

I roll my eyes at her consistent whining in my head. "LETS DANCE" I yell while pulling Aella with me to the dance floor. "You're going to regret this in the morning." my wolf says. I ignore her and push her back to the furthest part of my mind. After about 15 minutes of dancing, Aella tells me that she's tired and ready to head back. She's such a party pooper. I can't lie and say that a lot about me has changed since my father's death. Although the only time I've gotten out has been sneaking to the club on Saturdays with Aella and Sydney, it hasn't always interested me that much until he died. I used to read and listen to Aella and Sydney tell me about their days at school since I wasn't allowed to go. I never even knew why, my parents always gave me some lame ass excuse as to why I couldn't.

My father, Jacoby, was beta to the Blue Moon Pack. He and our Alpha, Luke, were best friends growing up so it was no question that he was going to be Alpha Luke's beta. Most of my dad's side of the family grew up in the Blue Moon Pack. Our pack is on the smaller side, but I believe we have some of the best warriors. I may be a little biased as I've never met any other warriors or wolves outside of our pack. As for my mom, Maya, and her side of the family, they are almost non-existent. She doesn't communicate with any of them, and I've only ever met one person from her side. My aunt Kaya. She was my mother's twin sister, and I hated her passionately. She's the reason my father is dead.

Five months ago she came to our pack in a frenzy saying 'the elders were after her' whatever the hell that meant. Us wolves didn't have elders, just the council that kept the wolves in mind within the lycan kingdom. My mom and dad were both on edge as she said that but they didn't tell me a thing. I remember leading her to our guest bedroom excited that she was visiting. "Tete, I'm so happy that you're here!!" I said to her excitedly. But my wolf, Iris, was on edge. She kept telling me that something wasn't right. My aunt has never been one that was super affectionate, in all honesty, she was as cold as ice. But this visit, she seemed to be trying to coax my parents into feeling for her, wanting them to help her. I would see the smile on her face drop as soon as either of my parents looked away. I wish I had said something sooner, but I just pushed those gut feelings off. Little did I know that pushing them off would result in my father's death.

At around 2:15 am, I woke up to my mom screaming and ran out to see my aunt laughing and my father dying on the kitchen floor. I blinked and my aunt was gone. It was as if she just disappeared, leaving behind no scent. I always found it strange that my mother didn't have a werewolf scent, but I just figured that her wolf was dormant, that maybe she couldn't handle her first shift and rejected her wolf. I never asked because I didn't want to upset her. But I couldn't help but wonder why we couldn't smell even a trace of my aunt's scent. No wolf scent, no human scent, nothing. At around 2:30 am my father was pronounced dead. She stabbed him and for some reason, my father's wolf couldn't heal even though the knife wasn't coated in wolfsbane. Ever since that day, everything about me changed. I didn't care about anything. I became sneaky and disobedient. I didn't care that my aunt was still out there and might want to kill me too. I did what I wanted to do and didn't care about the repercussions of my actions.

As for my mother, she became sad and silent. I found her picking up these old, weird-looking books. They looked as if they belong to witches, as there were a bunch of symbols on them. I tried to open one of them one time, it was as if it was glued shut. I even tried to unlock the latch and couldn't. It was weird, but then again I was drunk. So maybe that's why I couldn't open them.

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