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I hated the idea of anyone going near my unconscious sister. "It's our mate's mother," Carro says trying to reason with me. "We don't know them! Let alone trust them!" I yell at him in response. I can't even believe that my parents are allowing this. "What if they help her?" Carro asks. "Then they help her!" I snap. As everyone started leaving the room I told my parent's that I needed to talk to them before we all went to see Layla.

"Please wait outside for us." said my father to Liani and her mom. When everyone was out of the room my father said "Well, out with it." "Uncle Archer was here tonight," I said angrily. My eyes were flickering back and forth between red and brown as I tried to calm Carro. My mother and father looked equally shocked. "I didn't smell his scent." says my father. "Well, he was with Liani's aunt who was able to hide his scent," I said trying to convince myself that was the reason why I didn't smell either of them. "What did he say?" asked my mom. "Not much, he tried to taunt me about Layla while Liani's aunt taunted her about "asking the wrong questions"," I say using my fingers as air quotes. I could tell that my mom was equally sad for both Liani and me. What was her infatuation with this girl already?

"It would make perfect sense for them to try something tonight as tonight the entire kingdom was here. Every wolf and lycan alike was here." says my mom as she began pacing back and forth biting her nails. I could tell the wheels in her head was spinning. 'That means whoever they're staying with got our letter.' she says before starting to pace again. As she paced closer to my father he put out his arm and snapped her out of her trance. "Relax honey," he says trying to calm her. "What happened after they started taunting you guys?" he asks. "Well Liani's eyes flashed purple and her hands were also glowing purple. She was seriously angry because of what she did to her father." I say. The unexpected sadness in my voice even surprised me.

"You said her eyes were purple?" asks my dad. "Yeah, so were the powers beaming out of her hands." My dad had a puzzled look on his face and I could tell he was getting lost in his thoughts. "Why?" I ask. Is it not normal for her powers to be purple? Is there a reason why the color matters?

"No reason." my father says. "Let's head down to see Layla." I knew he was hiding something and I knew that if I wanted to know then I would have to go down to the library and read up on witches and their powers.

As we headed to see Layla I couldn't help the anger that was building inside me. We had the best doctors and we tried everything. Why would Liani and Maya be any different? I try to hold out hope that something will work but I'm just not that optimistic anymore. As we headed inside Layla's room it was the same as any other time I went in there. You heard the monitors beeping and you saw Layla just lying on the bed unmoved. When I walked in I shielded Layla from their gaze. "Auburon move!" my mother said snapping at me. I could see the pity in Liani and Maya's eyes as they walked into the room. Liani looked at me as if she understood my pain and I knew that she did which angered me further.

"May I, your highness?" asks Maya. I growl once more before stepping to the side. When Maya approached her she went to grab Layla's hand and I growl again. "I won't do anything to harm her, your highness," says Maya. When Maya grabs her hand she pulls away suddenly whispering "ow" as she shakes her head. She goes to grab her hand again and does the same thing. Liani runs over to her mother's side and asks "Mom, what's wrong?"

"She's shocking me. Every time I reach for her hand it shocks me. Almost as if something is repelling me from connecting with her." she says. "What do you mean?" asks my father. "She never shocks us when we go to grab her hand." says my mother. "Well, I would say whatever's keeping her from waking up has to do with magic, and whatever magic was used was meant to repel any other witch from helping her.." Everyone stood there dumbfounded and shocked. I can see my mother's eyes well up with tears and I could see my father swallowing hard at the thought that Layla may never wake up.

The room was dead silent as there was nothing to say until a soft voice says "Can I try?" My head turned to see Liani approaching me. She was asking me. Not my parents, the king, and queen, but me. "M-maybe I-I" she started to say as she stuttered. Carro felt no real threat from her or Maya and maybe if I just allowed her to try then maybe the moon goddess will bless us with another solution. I took a deep breath and said "Fine." before she could even finish her sentence. As Maya moved out of the way Liani walked up to Layla. She didn't immediately grab her hand but she spoke softly. "Hi Princess Layla, if you can hear me, I want you to try to fight whatever magic is keeping you asleep. I want you to know that you can do this. We're all waiting for you to wake up. You can't give up yet. So many people need you. It's not your time to go and I won't let you suffer until you die. You got this." My eyes began to water as she spoke those words to Layla. She was the princess, yes, but she was a stranger to Liani and she spoke life into her as if was one of her best friends. I looked over at my mom who was now crying in my father's chest. I cleared my throat to signal Liani to try so that we could get my mother out of there as soon as possible.

She nodded her head as if she knew what I meant. When she went to grab Layla's hand, she didn't pull away as Maya did. Instead, her head flew back and her eyes were the lilac color of her wolf's and her powers were beaming from her and Layla's hand. She began to shake and I hurriedly went to stand behind her steadying her as she shook to ensure she didn't fall. Holding her felt weird... but it also felt very right. Eventually, the lights from her powers faded, she dropped Layla's hand, and her eyes closed as she went limp in my arms. "LIANI" I yell.

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