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As we made our way back to the ballroom I could feel prince Auburon's eyes burning into my back as I walked ahead with his mother, queen Emris. "I love the way you cut off the king." She says as amusement fills her eyes. I cleared my throat unsure of what to say. Was she being serious? I mean I did cut off her husband, one of the most powerful Lycans to ever walk this earth. "Us women have to make our presence known or else the men will just run us over or act as if we're not there," she said. Again, I was flabbergasted that she was being so frank with me."I appreciate your kind words, my queen," I say. "Oh dear, please call me Emris. I will be your mother-in-law soon." I turned my neck slightly to look over my shoulder at Auburon when I heard him scoff. "Do not mind him, Liani. He might not show it right now, but he's happy to have found you." The queen says as the guards open the double doors into the ballroom. Before I could give the queen a fake smile, I realized the ballroom had fallen silent. I slowed my walking so the queen could be next to the king. I could feel my anxiety rising but Auburon made his way to my side and grabbed my hand. I looked over at him and saw his red eyes meet mine before they flashed back to brown as he turned away from my gaze. Iris was purring at the touch of our mate whereas I am just trying to focus on composing myself before we appear before this large crowd again. I would be lying if I said the touch of his hand didn't affect me too, but I'm certainly not fond of his already hot and cold behavior. As the master of ceremonies grabbed everyone's attention to announce the royal family again, I could feel my palms get sweaty under Auburon's grasp. His thumb started to gently rub the back of my hand and I immediately felt my nerves calm. The King went to step forward to give a speech and to thank everyone for coming until the queen gently placed her hand in front of him and said "Auburon should give the speech, my love." She smiled gently at us and I could feel Auburon's anger as he squeezed my hand tighter. It was then my turn to return his gesture. I lightly stroked my thumb on the back of his hand. I felt my heart stop when he looked down at me. He stood at about six foot three in height and standing next to him was like standing next to a giant. I gave him a small smile to let him know that he could do it. He looked at me for a minute longer before he snapped his head and said "very well." He pulled me with him as he went to stand before his people. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Wolves, and Lycans thank you so much for coming tonight. It was no secret that my parents threw this ball for me to find my mate" he said as he and everyone else chuckled lightly. Women were looking at each other, blushing at the thought of him being their mate. I could feel the jealousy in me brewing at the fact that women wanted my mate. Iris was growling and it escaped my lips before I could stop her. He looked down at me again with so much curiosity in his eyes and I smiled at him and mouthed the words 'sorry'.He turned back to the crowd and began saying "It has been an honor to host you all here tonight at the royal palace. I hope you guys enjoyed the evening. Please follow the guards in an orderly line to return back to your vehicles." He turned around and swiftly started moving towards where I'm guessing his dad's study is. I don't think he realized he was walking so fast and yanking me with him. "Umm, Auburon?" I said shyly. "WHAT?!" he snapped. I rolled my eyes at the fact that he's being cold again. "You're yanking me!" I said pulling my arm out of his grasp. Then I pushed past him. "You don't even know where you're going!" he said. "I'll figure it out!" I yelled back as I kept walking forward. I don't know what the hell his problem is but what he's not going to do is treat me any way he pleases. If he wants to be hot and cold, then the two of us can play that game. After about three minutes of continually walking straight, I realized Auburon was no longer behind me. Shit. I thought. "Just turn around and follow mate's scent," Iris says. So I did. This palace is so big for no goddamn reason. I followed Auburon's scent all the way back to the king's study and when I got there everyone else was there already. They all looked at me as the guard let me through the door. My mom glared at me because I was late and I put my head down to bow before them and said "I'm sorry to have kept you guys waiting, I got lost." "It's fine Liani, please take a seat." says queen Emris. I took a seat next to my mom and the king began to speak. "So I smell Liani's wolf, but I don't smell yours, Maya." "Well, that's because I don't have one your majesty." says my mom. "Well, I think that's obvious. At first, you had the scent of a human, but since your debacle on the balcony, you have the scent of a witch." says the king. Before my mom could say anything my dad appeared next to the king and queen. 'DADDY!' I yell. Everyone but my mother look's at me like I'm crazy as I'm looking past the king at my invisible father. "Li, I think you should let your mother explain." says my father. I shake my head and allow my mother to continue. "Well, as you know I am a witch. However, my mate, Jacoby, was a werewolf. Neither of us thought it was possible, but I'm sure you guys understand that you can't deny the bond." she says pausing before continuing. "The elders made me choose between my mate or my powers and I chose my mate. We had Liani and kept her away from everyone so that we could protect her as she is the first of her kind." Auburon wasn't shocked when she said that because he witnessed my powers before everyone else made it to the balcony. Queen Emris looked at me in awe and King Daniel was reluctant to believe my mother. "Both Liani and I have the gift of mediumship and since my mate was murdered five months ago we are able to see him and that is why Liani just yelled out because he is here with us now," she said as she motioned next to the invisible man standing next to the king. The king, queen, and Auburon snapped their heads to the right trying to look at my father knowing that they couldn't. I could sense that Auburon was uncomfortable at the fact that my father was present. I chuckled and said, "You guys can't see him, but he says hello." "You said five months ago your mate was murdered?" asked the queen. "Yes. My sister murdered him." says my mother. The queen looked at my mother and I could tell that she was sad for her. "And what are your powers?" asked the king. "Well, I am the pack's doctor due to my knowledge of natural medicine, but before that, I was a healer." The king, queen, and Auburon all looked interested as they eyed my mother and then looked back at each other obviously mind-linking. "IMPOSSIBLE!" yelled the king. "They have been extinct for almost a hundred years," he says. "That's what we wanted you guys to think. It's no secret that witches with healing abilities were used for other agendas by other species including the lycans and wolves. There are about eight of us left. Maybe nine, but we don't know Liani's full power yet." My mother says. "Would you mind taking a look at my daughter?" Asked the queen. Auburon growled at what the queen said so obviously he was against it. "Yes. I can take a look at her." Auburon growled a little louder at my mom's words.

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