Beauty In Numbers

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Another one of my favorites. I absolutely adore this story and Louis' character and how Harry handles him so carefully, like Stranger on a train.

Louis is autistic and sees the world in numbers, based on the Fibonacci Sequence.

AshleyMistMalichi contacted me with a story idea containing the Fibonacci Sequence. I couldn't see that idea in my head but this one popped up I asked them if I could write this one instead and they agreed. So I kept the Fibonacci Sequence but wrote a different story.

Alright, then I had to do some serious googling to understand the Fibonacci sequence myself. I love learning new things and this is fascinating!

I'll try to explain it here. So The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so on.

You can find the Fibonacci sequence everywhere in nature, such as the branching of trees, leaves on a stem, the fruitlets of a pineapple, a pine cone, flowers, and so on but also in animals. Wild rabbits reproduce in sequences and bees follow the Fibonacci Sequence too.

A lot of things follow the Fibonacci sequence in a spiral: sea shells, a fetus.

The quotient between each pair of Fibonacci numbers as the numbers get higher, approximates 1.618, which is called The Golden Ratio. You can find The Golden Ratio in nature as well. For example: If you divide the number of female honeybees by the number of male bees in any given hive you'll get the Golden Ratio. Sunflowers have an opposing spiral of seeds has a 1.618 Ratio between the diameters of each rotation.

So 1.618 is perfection. 16 18. The ages Harry and Louus were when they met. Crazy coincident. 😘

There's so much more to it, read up on it! It's really interesting. I found a girl on Youtube that measures Harry's and Louis' faces.









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