namek saga (ch-12)

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(cuts to Nail and Frieza arriving at a deserted area)

NAIL: (removes his vest) This is my people's sacred battle ground.

FRIEZA: We flew over an hour for this? It looks exactly the same as everywhere else on this godforsaken rock!

NAIL: Hmph. Racist.

FRIEZA: Well, maybe so... but I can't quite be a racist against a race that doesn't exist. Like the Clorfors. Dirty, money-grubbing Clorfors. Tried to clorf me right out of my money... Blew those little bastards up is what I did.


(Nail does a karate chop at Frieza's neck... which has no effect on the tyrant)

FRIEZA: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know we were starting. Here, allow me.

(Frieza grabs Nail's arm and rips it off)


FRIEZA: Looks like someone's going to be missing this! (drops Nail's severed arm)

NAIL: No, not really.


NAIL: HRRRAAAAAH! (regenerates his arm)

FRIEZA: Ooh, that looks like it hurts a lot. Are you okay?

NAIL: I'm fine...!

FRIEZA: Good to know. Yoink! (rips off Nail's arm again)



(cuts to Frieza's ship, where Goki is placed inside a healing tank)

GOHAN: So, what exactly is this?

VEGETI: It's a healing tank. This will bring the idiot back to full strength.

GOKI: (thinking) Heh heh, the bubbles tickle... Heh heh, ow...! It hurts to laugh... Heh heh, ow...! Heh heh, ow...! Heh heh, ow...!

VEGETI: It'll take a while, though. This is the only other model the ship has... And it's kind of an old one.

KRILLIN: What happened to the newer model?

VEGETI: blew it the (covers Y/N ears) f*ck up.

KRILLIN: What, did it have an opinion?

VEGETI: Eat me. Now both of you... (in a deep voice) STRIP.

KRILLIN: Ummmm...

VEGETI: I've got body armor for you.

KRILLIN: Less awkward...

(shifts to Gohan and Krillin removing their regular clothes and putting on the Battle Armor)

KRILLIN: You know, Gohan, it just occurred to me.

GOHAN: Yeah, Krillin?

KRILLIN: We're still on Namek.

GOHAN: What do you mean?

KRILLIN: Well, I mean, it feels like we've been here for like, a year.

GOHAN: But we've only been here for six days.

KRILLIN: I know, right? Hey, by the way, don't I look like that one guy that Vegeti landed with back on Earth? What was his name again? Hey, Vegeti. What was that one guy's name? Vegeti? Vegeti? Vegeti?

(Krillin's head turns into Nappa in Vegeti's imagination)

NAPPA: Vegeti? Vegeti? Vegeti? Vegeti?

VEGETI: Goddammit, Nappa.

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