Chapter 3

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Sorry If I haven't updated for so long, I hope this chapter will make up for it.

Thanks guys for reading this far and I hope you enjoy it, remember to tell your friends and get them to comment and hastag your account name for a shoutout.

“I don’t know where you are man but I think I’ve found her, She’s near the cinema,”

Johns annoying voice echoed from the speaker. I sat up so fast my head hurt. I grabbed my phone on the desktop and stared at it wondering if I should believe John.

Deciding there’s no harm in it. I changed, making sure to put on some pants and look good before grabbing my car keys and driving there. My heart raced faster than I’d like to admit but I didn’t want to lose her. I arrived there and saw John, he had brown hair and green eyes and smirked at me. “I knew you’d come,” He said.

In his arm was a pretty dark haired girl with brown eyes, her skin was lightly tanned and she smiled at me, she wore a pretty sundress strange for going to movies. Her sun dress was low cut and I could see the curves of her milky breasts.

“Where’s the babe?” I asked John trying not to look at the dark haired girls breasts, I didn’t want her thinking I was a pervert staring at her breasts.

John winked at me.

I knew it was trouble.

“She’s over there,” John said pointed to a familiar brunet that made me want to run as far as possible the minute she set her freak of a dog on me.

I looked at Emma. She wore a sleeveless green tank top and light blue jeans with cuts sexily smeared all over her sheets. I was speechless she looked good. I stood there momentarily in shock. This babe was the babe that set a dog called Rex on me?

Her eyes fell on me and I saw her rage. “Delilah! You didn’t say you’re going to set me up with this pig?” She turned around looking back at the movie previews.

I felt annoyed.

I was gorgeous, how could she not want me. I casually walked over planning on proving my point. “Hey,” I said smirking. “Someone seem a little mad ,” I said casually.

For some reason she got even madder. “I’m not going in the cinema with this doofus,” She said.

“HEY!” I said.

John decided to be cool and said “Come on’ Emma, not even for De?”

Emma’s gaze soften the minute it landed on John.

“Fine,” She muttered. We got popcorn and decided to watch Life of Pi, De and John sat next to each other. Doing a lot of couply stuff so that I felt awkward half way through the movie.

I changed my seat, leaving Emma stranded there. I felt pissed at John for dragging me to some crappy movie with a girl he clearly knew I disliked. I ate the popcorn while trying to enjoy the movie. Emma followed me and sat next to me, but while she tried jumping over my legs she fell on it, her face mere inches from my own and I could smell the vanilla falling of her skin.

I moved away, I didn’t want to kiss her and she managed to jump over my legs, I wished I could see her face, but in a way I was glad I couldn’t I didn’t want to see it filled with disgust at the thought of kissing me. She was silent for a while before commenting “They both seem very mushy,”

I nodded watching the movie. It was getting sadder by the minute, the boy’s parents died and he was crying on a boat. I heard her sniffling beside me. “You’re not going to cry are you?” I said feeling very uncomfortable. I hated crying females.

“Nope,” She said popping the p.

I felt a bit more comfortable.

The movie started going way more intense till I could feel my eyes watering. “Are you crying?” Emma said annoyingly.

“Shut up,” I retorted. “I’m sweating through my eyes,”

She laughed at my reference to the cartoon Phinease and Ferb. “I think it’s cute,” She said. I looked at her trying to see if she was being sarcastic, but it was too dark.

I felt her soft fingers holding my hand and I held hers back. She leaned in to whisper in my ear, her voice making me tremble slightly, it was husky and very sexy “Don’t let the tiger play with you,”

I wondered if she knew how sexy that line sounded to me. I smirked at her “What if I want to play with the tiger,” Her soft finger wiped the faint tear on my eye and all I could wonder was if she thought I was a sissy.

“You’ll get scratched,”

Shit, she did think I was a sissy.

After the movie, to my surprise I really enjoyed, We lost John and De so we walked together, and I was amazed on how easily we could chat. Everything was so natural.

That’s when it hit me.

Literally, a ball flew at me and smashed my head and it exploded. Water fell unto my shirt and it got soaked. I fell down. Opening my eyes, which stung a little from the contents of the water balloon, I met Emma’s hazel ones. She hovered above me, her lips in my line of sight.

They were so beautifully shaped.

“Are you alright mister?” A kid asked. I sat up feeling my back hurt when I toppled over and my lips met Emma’s. She pulled back in surprise the minute it faintly brushed and our eyes met each other’s.

She leaned in but John decided it was best to interrupt us and that moment. “Dude why are you wet?” He asked.

Emma moved away and offered her hand but I pulled myself up to my feet anyway. “Some kid threw a water balloon at me…” I growled. “I’m so going to kill him,” So I ran after the blond kid on the bicycle. But honestly, all I recalled was Emma’s soft lips barely touching mine.


Sorry if its so short but I hope you guys like it, AND REMEMBER ITS A SHORT STORY.

So I'm waiting for an author to upload more of her story but she's feeling down since she has less votes and comments, Since you like my story check her story out, YOU WON'T REGRET IT! Shes amazing. Her names Loveena and I Dedicated this chapter to her.


Check her story out and I'll upload faster, TAG MY NAME in your comment on her story for a shout out.



send me a message if you want to chat.

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