Chapter 6

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Dedicated to my 100th Follower :) You guys make me so happy, best commenter will get a dedication so remember to comment :D

Mum wasn’t thrilled at all. She gave me a glare that clearly said “You can do better,” As she slammed the pancakes hard on the table. The sound rumbled off and I winced slightly.

Her eyes narrowed at me. Two day’s since I told her, and all the pain in the world had come. It wasn’t like she played a daily role in my life. The minute I told her after a very passionate kiss with Kaithlyn and she yelled at me.

Her words stung. I could still recall them till now Do you plan on wasting your life on her? You have your whole life ahead of you, don’t throw in on some pregnant slut.

Mum had never loved Kaithlyn. The first day I told her about my feelings towards her till now, My mum loathed her. We never spoke about it and I guess she thought it would die off. Our gazes connected and we had a silent battle.

She looked away slowly. “Why Drake?” Her voice broke and I saw her start crying. I ran and hugged her. Tears fell off her face and I hated the fact I was making her cry.

“Mum please,” I whispered. I felt so uncomfortable. Her blond hair so like mine, brushed against my chin. She was shorter than me as I held her. I wished I could stop all those tears.

But I didn’t want to lose Kaithlyn.

I walked outside my house, wearing my old blue jeans across the street. My mum’s outburst really startled me. I sat on the edge of the park, sitting on a bench facing the swings. I let my head fall into my hands. It wasn’t like I was planning on marrying young. We both wanted to get married after the baby.

And it also wasn’t like she had sex on purpose or anything.

I could remember the day so clearly. The party, oh how I didn’t want to go, it was Kaithlyn’s idea, we were a little more than friends then, before we planned on getting together. I remembered how dark it was, how Kaithlyn’s body felt against mine as we danced intoxicated to the beat. I drank so much but Kaithlyn drank a few sips of the alcohol I consumed.

We danced so closely, getting pushed together I could feel every part of her. Then she went out for a breath of air. I couldn’t follow her out thanks to all the close bodies pushing me away. I let her go.

I made the biggest mistake of my life.

She never came back after that, and I woke up on the sofa, where I sat waiting for her. A month later, she called me crying that she was pregnant.

And I wasn’t the father.

“You alright?” A soft voice spoke. I remembered her lips so soft against mine and I looked at the familiar brunet sitting next to me.

I forced a smile.

She didn’t smile back. “You alright?” She asked again.

There were so many lies I could say but I told her the truth, “No,” I whispered it off, and looked back at my hands, long slender fingers, moist. I didn’t think I had been crying. I hastily brushed it against my jeans and hoped my eyes weren’t wet.

“Should I ask?”

“I’d rather not talk about it,” I whispered. She nodded understandingly and we sat there in silence. Another time I’d ask her about the kiss, did it mean anything to her? Did she even recall it?

My heart pounded quickly when I recalled it.

“So, did you know John tried to feed Rex the other day?” She said casually. I looked at her, my eyes wide. “He threw this chicken bone at Rex and Rex got so annoyed. He chased John and John climbed up a tree,”

Love : A short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now