Chapter 7

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“What’s wrong Drake?” Kaithlyn whispered, she was lying down on my bed, reading a book by Dan Brown that was on my bed stand earlier. She wore a white dress, her slightly swollen belly hidden beneath the frills of her white dress.

She sat up and walked towards me, sitting in front of the computer staring at the Facebook newsfeed. Aside from changing drastically over the few months I haven’t been online, I was staring at the chatbox longing for Emma to come online.

I wanted to talk about the kiss but ever since I came back, Kaithlyn has been sticking by my side. I should be ecstatic but I didn’t feel it.

The thing I thought I had with her. I’d rather call it obsession, my longing to feel satisfied by catching ever single girl and making them love me, when they do, I get restless and bored.

You always want the things you can’t have

Stupid sayings have to be right. She slid onto my lap and played with my blond hair, I tried to smile but it didn’t come. A few days ago, I was so completely delighted but the day on the beach with Emma. Everything felt right, Things with Kaithlyn used to feel right till the beast in her belly came along and wrecked everything.

“I’m sorry,” Kaithlyn whispered suddenly, when I looked to her blue eyes I saw them wet with tears and I panicked. “You say you aren’t mad by the baby, but I can see it in your face Drake, You hate it don’t you,” She pushed my chest and slid of my leg. Carefully on her feet, walking away tears falling down her cheeks so quickly.

“Kaithlyn,” I whispered my voice husky, “I’m sorry,” I held her hand and looked into her eyes. “I don’t hate it,” I used my free hand to awkwardly rub her belly but I met a hard cloth.

I looked at her belly and quickly pulled her dress up.

“Drake,” She whispered uncertainly.

A skin-tone weird object stood there and it was flat which explained why her stomach was quite flat for the first 5 months. I swore silently, “Isn’t it uncomfortable?” I asked slightly curious mostly astounded. I realised my eyes were falling to her blue panties so I quickly let go of her skirt.

She nodded.

“Turn around,” I ordered. I pulled up her skirt getting a good view of her legs by accident again. I saw some hooks and I unhooked it. It fell and I saw her purple bruised swollen belly. I whistled. “Why?” I asked her meeting her downwards cast eyes.

“I’m a freak,” She was sobbing as she fell, “I can see looks of disgust wherever I go,” She moaned. “Ever since Emma told her parents, everyone knows about it, and when they see me its disgust and I hate it. I wasn’t supposed to get pregnant… It was only one night…” She said sobs falling more dramatically and making me feel terrible.

Reading all those stupid girly posts on facebook.

I did the thing she should love. I hugged her and felt her body shake as the tears fell out of her cheeks. When she finally stopped, she looked at me and kissed me.

A soft gentle kiss.

I kissed her back, though I may not feel the feeling I get with Emma, there’s no denying it. I love Kaithlyn.

I wanted to dismiss the feeling with Emma as lust but I could feel, this little voice nagging in me.

Kaithlyn was at home making cookies and I was jogging around the park, just jogging and checking my phone, it was summer holidays! I’m a kid… I want to be free!  

I jogged slowly to a halt when I saw a brunet with familiar brown hair, which I had vivid memories playing with while kissing. She was hugging a black haired guy.


My mind processed her name unwillingly. She pulled back and I told myself to not overreact, he whispered something to her and she gave him a peck on the lips before turning, a slight bounce in her step, to look at me.

She paused her eyes registering me.

I jogged pretending it didn’t bother at all.

It didn’t, jogging past her I could feel the familiar adrenaline and rush I get and I wondered if you could truly lie to yourself. I wanted to run past my problems, to get far away.

“Drake?” She shouted.

I ran faster.

“DRAKE!” She ran next to me tugging on my sleeve.

“WHAT?!?” I yelled. She shrank her eyes slightly watery and I cursed at myself.

 “You dropped your phone,” She mumbled, thrust it at me and I watched my mouth agape as she walked to the dark haired boy who looked at me with a cool expression and she walked up to him and held his hand.

Their fingers intertwined and she tip toed and kissed him softly. I looked away, pain crushing me. I wanted to be that boy so badly. Little did he realise, the gem he had. The girl I desired now.






FAN? (Is that to much to ask?)

and I just might dedicate this chapter to you!

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