namek saga (ch-16)

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(shows Vegeti on the ground, with a sizzling hole in her chest from where she was pierced by Frieza's Death Beam)

GOKI: Vegeti, no!

GOHAN: Vegeti, no!

KRILLIN: Don't worry, Little Green'll... (notices Dende's corpse) Oh. Vegeti, no!

PICCOLO: (after a short silence) Meh. (rolls his eyes)

Y/N: is this how vacation works

GOKU: Are you all right?

VEGETI: (weakly) I have a f**king hole in my chest. Why didn't you block that one?!

GOKI: I thought you had it.

VEGETI: (weakly) NO!

FRIEZA: It's funny how she's still talking, I could have sworn I hit a lung. (Vegeti coughs blood) Oh, there it is.

VEGETI: (weakly) Kakarota, if you're ever going to listen to anything I have to say, do it now.

GOKI: What is it, Vegeti?

VEGETA: (weakly) I've lived my entire life under Frieza's rule. My entire kingdom, my race, was enslaved to her bidding. She took the one thing (referring to Y/N) I ever cared about

GOKI: I understand now. If it weren't for Freezer, you wouldn't be--

VEGETI: (weakly) Dying? No.

GOKI: I was gonna say evil.

VEGETI: Oh, no. I'd definitely still be evil. If this situation were reversed, this conversation would never have happened. You'd be dead, and I'd be laughing. while marrying Y/N (laughs weakly) Oh, it hurts to laugh.

GOKI: So, why are you telling me this?

VEGETA: (weakly) Because, Kakarota, you are our race's last hope. You are the last remaining last remaining female sayain. (opens both eyes in shock) Oh, God, you're the last remaining female Saiyan. (makes a final wheeze and goes limp)

GOKI: Vegeti... you...

(Goki blasts a hole in the ground with a Kiai and then picks up Vegeti's corpse)

GOKI: Come on. You deserve a proper burial.

FRIEZA: Oh yes, a proper burial: an unmarked grave on an empty planet in the middle of nowhere space. Honestly, I'd say it's too good for her.

(Goki buries Vegeti inside the hole)

GOKI: I'll make sure to give Freezer one for you, best buddy. (stands up) Goodbye.

FRIEZA: Come now, I'm sure shes in a better place. Oh, who am I kidding? She's probably in Hell.

Y/N: is that a vacation spot

FRIEZA: yep it's really fun I heard they have dodgeball

GOKI: I don't know. I went to Hell once. The only real bad parts were these two-oiled up German guys trying to wrestle me.

FRIEZA: (stares blankly) ...Are you real?

GOKI: But now, I know what I have to do. I have to stop you! You're a heartless monster who kills everyone in her way... even children!

FRIEZA: Oh please, everyone's always on about the children. I already tried leaving them alive, but all they do is grow up under my rule or dedicate their pathetic lives to revenge. Usually both. Really, giving them a vacation is a kindness. I can retract that kindness if you wish. But then who's the villain?

GOKI: (totally lost) Y-You.

FRIEZA: N-No. That was a rhetorical question.

GOKI: And I gave you a rhetorical answer.

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