{5} 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙪𝙩

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Dream could hear George yell from where he was laying on the ground, he had stepped on him.

"I'm so sorry man!" He quickly apologized, when he had stood up he had placed all of his weight onto the chest of the darker haired guy.

"Just get your damn foot off of me, it reeks." he grumbled and turned onto his side trying to fall back asleep.

The tent flap opened and Karl poked his head in, "are we leaving soon?"

"uhh yeah, as soon as we get the tents packed up and wash up we should get going."

"you should probably wake up the hibernating bear."

George just grumbled and shoved his head under his blankets.

"I'll leave him alone for a little while longer."

Dream and Karl left the tent and began cleaning up camp, taking down tents, getting the horses ready, and loading the supplies onto the pack animals.

The camp was pretty empty to begin with and not much had to be done. Tightening the girth on one of the horse saddles, and making sure it would stay in place for the many hours ahead of them.

"George, wake up, we have to pack up the tent and get going before Sapnap decides he would rather swim in the creek all day than sit in the saddle."

They paused at the same time, there eyes locked and Dream quickly looked away.

"shit sorry!"

"nah its fine, have you never seen somebody shirtless before?" George responded with slight chuckle.

"well yeah but- whatever just hurry up."

Leaving George in the tent the blonde strode to where his horses had been tethered. Their packs and saddles were on, all set except for Dream's tent and Dream himself.

The ground vibrated slightly before Dream even realised what was happening.

"There you are!"

Dream looked up see Karl on his pinto gelding. The horse was slightly panting but looked excited, matching Karl's hyper attitude.

"What's going on?" The questions were bubbling over like a stew that had been left over the fire for to long.

"So y'know how Sap got that new horse right? We were just testing her out, seeing her stats if you will, and that horse is fast as honk. She might be faster than Spirit. We were racing Sap while he was riding her and they left us in the dust every time. It was crazy man!" Karl's eyes were wide with energy.

Spirit's ears perked up, as if hearing his name ment he was needed for something at the moment.

Dream patted the stallion on the neck before turning back to Karl.

"You should save your horses energy, its not very wise to be using it all right now. We still have hours of riding across tough terrain ahead of us."

"That's the thing though, his horse isn't even winded."

"that doesn't matter," he sighed watching the sun that was crawling overhead, "we need to head out soon unless we want to only be able to travel for a couple of hours."

"I'll tell Quackity and Sapnap." Karl trotted off, His gelding snorting as if realizing he actually had to work and not being able to race and lounge about all day.

A deep breath was taken in by Dream, he didn't want to ruin their fun but the faster and farther they could get from George's group the better. He didn't need more people than Sapnap and his family to know he was still alive.

He had never realized how awful always moving would be. Even at pit-stops he couldn't even take off his bandanna, if it was known he was still alive after what had happened back in Florida it wouldn't be fun for anybody. It didn't matter that he was 1,000 miles away, or that his crime wasn't that big. He would still be a wanted man even if he wasn't wanted by many, one man could end it all for him.

The dust began to gather in the air snapping Dream out of his lonesome thoughts, reminding him he would be far away soon. But to be far away you have to start moving sometime.

George had left the tent by now dressed into his clothes for the day, they were the same clothes from yesterday but that was expected for him not having any extras.

-time skip of about an hour-

The sun had just reached its peck, waves of heat warping the ground and the distance resembled lakes. Naive hope would flare in all of their chest until they passed the great lagoons of sand, dirt and dried twigs.

The groups gaunt faces shadowed the barren dessert. Livestock and Cowboy heads alike had begun to drop. Even Ellie who was being given a ride on Sapnap's saddle, had started to feel exhausted Despite drinking all of Sapnap's water and only lifting her head once to watch a cotton-tail dive into its hole.

hours were passing and no-one said a thing, it took to much energy. Energy that would be needed later to talk to towns folk.

That might have been the only reason Quackity didn't attack Karl for his water right then and there. He had already drank all of his water in the first 30 minutes of them being out there.

"Sharing is caring" he had told the brown haired boy once before.
His response had been a simple,


After then no-one had uttered a noise. Only thing that could be heard on the lonesome terrian was the sound of the cattle huffs and the sound of animal hooves beating into the packed soil.

Wind hadn't blown since earlier that morning and in its place it had left an eerie silence.

George had managed to actually fall asleep for a full 29 minutes before Sapnap threw a small stone at him.

"if we can't sleep, you can't either" he had stated.

Minutes had began to feel like hours and it felt as though there had been a million minutes that day.

It was just after 4pm when the saw the first building.

AN: word count: 1023
Really like this chapter for some reason lol

Little bit of time context; they had been traveling for around 8 hours straight (they left at around 9:30-10 am) but previously the last time they had seen a town was about week ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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