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A Couple hours Later...

Skales POV...

Skylor was steering the ship while Spitta and Mezmo were at the computers as I slithered in "how's it going?" I asked "we are off any of Borg's sensorss,sso they won't be able to track uss" Mezmo "good,where are we going?" I asked Skylor "to Sensei Garamdon's monastery where I had told the remaining elemental masters to me us" Skylor as I looked around noticing that someone was missing. "Where is Felix?" I asked "he locked himself in the Sensei's room" Mezmo said "I feel bad for the little guy,he'ss been throught a lot" Spitta said "I will go check on him" I said before slithering out of the bridge before going below deck.

Felix POV...

I was sitting on the Sensei's bed with Chompy curled up next to me as Shroud was scanning over my body to check for any injures "all good sir" Shroud said "thanks" I said as I heard a knock on the door " Felix? can I come in?" it sounded like Skales. "Yes" I said as the door opened and Skales slithered in "how are you feeling?" he asked "good" I lied "Felix don't lie to me" Skales said which made me breakdown crying "I could have done something! but I didn't because I'm just a scared little kid!" I shouted as Skales sat down next to me as I cried "Felix" Skales said putting his gray clawed hand on my shoulder " theirss nothing you could of done,their was just too many of them" Skales said "but I could of done something!" I said "and you will,after we regroup with other fellow elemental masters" Skales said as I sighed rubbing Chompy's head which he started purring. "Pythor saved your life so that you could fight another day" Skales said "I'm just a scared kid,I'm no ninja" I said looking down "that's not what I and Pythor see,the way you fought,you weren't afraid to kick their butts" Skales said "I was only defending myself" I said "but the way you defended yourself,you weren't afraid to fight them off" Skales said I just looked away from Skales. Skales sighed before getting up from the bed "if you need to speak with some one just ask" Skales said before slithering out of the room. I pulled out my photo of my real parents and a photo of Pythor that I had found in the Sensei's room,I looked down at the two photos as a few tears dripped down my cheeks before I remembered everything that me and my real parents had done together and how they cared for me just like how Pythor has done for me. I wiped away my tears before I looked over at the sword and the golden armor before looking over at red and yellow dresser,I got up from the bed and walked over to the dresser before opening it to reveal the original Green Ninja suit!

I took out the suit placing it on the table next to the golden armor before I held out my hands closing my eyes as I summoned my powers which surged through my veins before I opened my eyes to see the Ninja suit's color had changed to a mixture of...

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I took out the suit placing it on the table next to the golden armor before I held out my hands closing my eyes as I summoned my powers which surged through my veins before I opened my eyes to see the Ninja suit's color had changed to a mixture of white,sliver,black,golden and a small bit of purple. Some of the gold from the golden armor was now on the suit too,I then looked down at the suit then at the sword before smirking.

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