Chapter Seven

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We make our way back into the garden, and I stop to grab a small handful of Heartsease. We set the wood down underneath the willow and make our way inside. Stopping by the kitchen for a mug, honey, and sugar, as well as lunch. I meet back with The Prince under the willow drinking my tea. The Heartsease takes effect almost immediately. "I would like to build a bench for Mother.  But I would like for it to swing. I know you can make flowers bloom but could you make vines? I'm not sure what you can and can't do but if not then I will cut some instead. If you'd still like to help me,  I can show you how to hammer in the nails where they need to be."

I turn to the willow and walk around the trunk. "There are healthy vines closer to the center of the tree, I can climb up, and you can tell me which ones you'd like to use." Orsik smiles, "I will go grab the ladder then!" "No need, Orsik." I smile, focusing on one of the stronger vines. Orsik watches as the vine unfurls from around a branch, growing long enough to wrap under my legs. I grab onto the thicker part of the vine as it starts to lift me, slowly pulling me up into the tree. The vine sets me on a branch but stays wrapped around me, and I look down to see Orsik staring up at me. "Rosie, that was...I don't know how to explain it." He says. I laugh, "It's more fun than it looks! Would you like to try?" He nods so hard I'm sure his head would pop off.

Willing a vine towards Orsik, I can see his hesitance as the vine wraps around his waist. As the vine starts to lift him, he grabs onto it with both hands. I hold the vine steady, and Orsik smiles up at me. "I'm okay, Rosie." I smile back and bring my hand up, swirling my hand in a circle. The vine starts spinning around the tree, bringing him higher and higher. Orsik laughs, releasing the vine and letting his head fall back. It's nice to see him like this, his auburn hair flying in every direction, his blue eyes surrounded by wrinkles, and his cheeks red from laughing and smiling. He's quite handsome. I don't think I've ever noticed that until now. His tanned skin, dotted with freckles everywhere I can see. His sleeves rolled up, showing off his muscles. No doubt earned from his weapons training. Blue eyes that resemble the lake behind my parent's second cottage. His smile, blinding, and beautiful enough to make you smile just by looking at it. It's no doubt that Pricilla is jealous, I'm sure every woman in this kingdom is. But he doesn't seem to be interested in any kind of companionship. 

Bringing Orsik to the branch I'm standing on, I grab his hand to steady him. He grabs my shoulders with a smile so bright it could outshine the sun. "Rosie that was amazing! Where did you learn to do that? I've never seen anyone do anything like this!" Laughing, I let go of Orsik and make my way along the branch. "My Mother taught me. She always had a green thumb. Our garden was always full of flowers, any flower you could think of, growing everywhere. Father had to cut a pathway to the door almost daily. It only got worse whenever my talent emerged. Flowers were popping up left and right anywhere I was." I pause, laughing to myself. "Father gave up eventually, he stopped cutting the past and just avoided stepping on the flowers. Sometimes he would cut them and give them to my Mother. She would laugh every time, acting like she didn't know where he got them." I pause, looking down past the branch at the small flowers dotting the yard. "Mother taught me how to use any plant I came around. She showed me how to grind up certain flowers and herbs to make medicines. How to grow what I needed whenever I needed it." 

Orsik's staring at me. "What happened? You talk like they're gone. Is that why you came here?" I shake my head, "My Father had a large debt. I tried helping by slipping him gold when he wasn't looking. But he never told us about this last time. Hunters came, to collect. He didn't have the money. They killed him... Taking his blood as payment. Mother told me to run. So I did. I didn't stop until I reached here. I'm sure you heard about your Mother taking care of me, I never asked her to. I'm grateful she did, and I could never repay her for her help. I passed out against the court wall and she found me. I don't even know which way I ran, or which way to take to go back home. I miss my home, but I do not know if I have a home to return to anymore."

"Your home is here now, Rosie. You are welcome here, and safe. If anyone comes for you, no one will tell them anything." Orsik takes my hand, "We will keep you safe. If one day you wish to return to your parent's home, I will send out our best explorers to find it. I will personally take you there." 

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