Chapter Ten

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I wake up early and get dressed for the day. The weather should be warm well into nightfall. I decide to wear a knee-length, thin white dress. Throwing on a dark green bodice to cover my chest, as well as my boots. I open my door to find Orsik, hand in the air ready to knock. "Good morning, Rosie!" I smile up at him, "Good morning, I'm almost ready to leave. I just need to do something with my hair. Would you mind grabbing that satchel and bringing it in here please?" 

Orsik reaches down and grabs the bag, setting it on my desk when he enters. I make my way into the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror. Taking a moment to decide, I call out "You know where we're going? There was a field not too far from here. We should make it there before noon." Orsik's response is muffled through the door. I decide on putting all of my hair into a braid, hoping it will be cool enough. It's better than letting it hang down my back. Wrapping some string around the ends, I step out of the bathroom. 

Orsik is standing at my desk when I come back into the room. "Mother brought you a pen and some papers. I set them in your drawer." I had completely forgotten. "Shoot! I need to write something, do you mind waiting a moment?" He shakes his head, sitting on the edge of my bed. I grab the pen and write out a short letter.


I received your letter two days ago. I'm doing well. Better than well. I'm safe. At the moment I'm going out but I promise to write more once I return. 

I love you,


Folding the letter and tying it with string, I stand. "Ready?" I nod. We make our way out of my room and down the halls. It doesn't take long to get to the gardens. I stop, looking at the wilting daffodils around the bench. Sending a surge of magick through my fingers the daffodils spring back up. Satisfied, I turn to walk again, finding Orsik staring at me. "They won't wilt again," I say, walking past him toward to gate. I search for the crow and reach into my satchel, pulling out the letter. The crow lands on my outstretched arm, takes the letter from my hand, and flies away. 

Orsik holds the gate open, and we make our way out. Orsik suggested we eat breakfast in the town, so we make our way into a small restaurant. A little old lady makes her way toward our table. When she gets closer I realize who she is. "Welcome to The Solar Rose Tavern, what can I get started for you this morning, My Prince?" She faces Orsik. "Three loaves of Parsley Bread, Tabitha. We have a long journey today. A couple of pitchers of water as well, please. Is there anything you'd like, Rosie?"

The woman, Tabitha, turns to me and her eyes go wide. "I'd like some porridge before we leave, please," Tabitha calls our order into the kitchen. I pull out my satchel and lay a few gold pieces on the table. "Absolutely not." I look up and Tabitha is staring at me. "I remember you. We will not accept your money here. No one that works for me will. You eat here at no charge, whatever you want, whenever you want it. You helped me and saved me from labor I could not do. You did not know me, and yet you went out of your way to help me. This is the way I can repay you. Until the day you die, you will never pay for food from my tavern." She finishes with a smile, sliding my gold back to me. I open my mouth to argue and she pins me with a stare, defeated I smile back at her. "Yes, Ma'am."

Tabitha brought our food out, wrapped neatly making it easy to carry. I finish my porridge, setting my bowl to the side. We make our way to the door and while Orsik is talking to her I drop a few gold pieces into the table. We say our goodbyes and as we walk away I see her grabbing the gold, shaking her head at me through the window. I laugh and give her a small wave. 

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