Chapter Nine

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"Enter," Ellanora says. I push her door open with my hip, carrying a tray of food. "Good morning, Ellanora. Did you sleep well?" I ask her, setting the tray down. "Honestly, Rosalind, I did not. These past few nights I've been having nothing but nightmares. I've been up and down all night." Ellanora says, resting her head in her hands. I make my way toward her closet, pulling out a light blue gown, with a matching shawl. "That's terrible, have you spoken to anyone else about this?" The queen shakes her head, "No one would listen, and The King would just call it stress and have me sit out on meetings. Do you know of anything that could help?" 

I nod, "Yes, actually." I turn to hold the dress up and she shakes her head. Placing the dress back on the hanger I grab a light green dress instead. I turn and hold the dress up and she smiles. Making my way toward her I continue, "My Mother made me a tea when I couldn't sleep. I could make it for you if you wish. It could put anyone out, no matter the reason." I bite back a laugh, remembering all the times I tried to fight the effects and failed. "What was in the tea?" Ellanora asks, stepping into the dress and holding it in place for me to tie. "Lavender, Chamomile, Honey, and a small amount of Valerian root," I tell her, pulling the strings of her bodice together in a bow. "That sounds wonderful, how long would it take you to make it?"

"Not long. But I would need to travel to gather some of the ingredients. My talent grows nice flowers, but ones that sprouted naturally are more potent. They have a nicer reaction to the body." I hold out the tray and she takes it, picking at a roll. "How long would it take you to acquire what you need?" Ellanora asks, taking a bite from the roll. "About a day's trip. On my way here I passed a field full of flowers. I'm sure I could find everything I need there." The Queen nods, taking another bite. When she's finished with her meal, she turns to me. 

"Take Orsik with you tomorrow. He knows these lands better than anyone else here. And he knows how to fight. I'll have someone fetch you everything you might need and leave them at your door in the morning. I assume you would need a bag and some tools. Is there anything else you would need?" She starts writing something down on a sheet of paper from her nightstand. "I have most tools I would need. But I would like to ask for some stationary tools. I would like to write a letter to my Mother, I'm sure she's worried about me."

Ellanora nods, "I'll have someone drop them by your room. My Husband has asked for our presence in the meeting room again this morning." She sets the list down and makes her way to the door, and I follow. We make our way to the meeting room, hearing screams coming from inside. Ellanora pushes the doors open and we see a man, who is not The King, sitting on The King's throne. The Queen gasps and pulls the doors shut. She grabs my arm and drags me away from the door. "My Queen, who was that?" 

"I do not know. But it is forbidden to sit on a royal's throne. It is punishable by death. That rule has been set in stone since long before we were born. We cannot change it. When they drag that man out of there, do not try to stop them. We cannot interfere. He set his fate when he sat down, Rosalind. I need you to understand that this is not the way of our people, but we have rules for a reason. We must honor the rules of the past Kings and Queens. Do you understand?" The Queen tells me in a hushed tone. I nod, "I understand, My Queen."

The guards push the doors open, dragging the man behind them. He's kicking and screaming. Surely he knew of the rule if it's been around for so long. "Ellanora My Queen! Explain to them! I love you! You could be happier with me! I knew it from the moment you were attacked by my brother. Fate sent you here, to me! Lijart stole you from me! His lying heart could never give you the love you des-" The Queen smacks the man across his face. "You will do best to mind your tongue while talking about your King! I do not know you, I do not wish to know you. You knew our rule, yet you broke it. You will suffer the consequences of your actions. If this was your way to propose, then you thought wrong. I am your Queen, married to your King. Take him out of my sight. Now!"

Propose? What did she mean by that? Is that why no one is allowed to sit in the seats but royals? I want to ask her but she's already in the meeting room before I can bring myself to open my mouth. I follow her, taking my place beside her throne. The Queen takes The King's hand, mumbling to herself. People of the kingdom line up outside the door, slowly trickling in. Requesting help, money, and advice. A few hours pass and a guard walks through the doors, "My King, My Queen. Prince Orsik requests your presence in the courtyard gardens." The guard turns to me, "The Prince requests your presence as well, Miss Rosie."

Miss Rosie? None of the guards have called me that. Orsik must have asked him to say it. The King and Queen make their way out of the meeting room, and I follow close behind. The trip to the gardens is short, but full of King Lijart doting on his wife. He constantly compliments her, kisses her hand, or brushes her hair away from her face. It reminds me of how Father treated Mother. Mother used to say a love like theirs was hard to find. That it comes only once in a lifetime, and that you endure the worst heartbreak you can handle before you find it. If that's true, what did Ellanora go through before she met The King?

Walking through the palace doors, The Prince is standing in front of the bench we made, covered by a sheet. A bright smile on his face when he hugs his Mother. When he lets go he turns his attention to his Father, "Apologies for pulling you from our people, Father. But I couldn't wait a moment longer. I have a gift for Mother." He pulls the sheet away and Ellanora gasps. "It's beautiful, Orsik!" The King guides his wife to sit, not letting go until her full weight is settled. The Prince pushes the back of the bench, sending The Queen into the air a bit before it swings back. Ellanora is laughing, her face red from her smile. The King's face matches hers, a look of adoration in his eyes. He turns to Orsik, "You built this?" Orsik nods, "I had help. Rosie helped shape the vines to hold the bench. She also helped me build the bench. I couldn't have done it this quickly without her help."

The King turns to me, holding my gaze. "This is wonderful Rosie. Thank you. I was worried she wouldn't be able to read out here anymore without hurting herself. You did well." It takes everything in me to hold back a smile, "Thank you, My King. But it was The Prince's idea, he only asked for my help." The King laughs and shakes his head, "That may be true but it wouldn't have looked half as beautiful without your touch. You even planted her favorite flowers." Ellanora looks at me after the bench settles, "Thank you, both of you. This is beautiful and very thoughtful. You both have a long journey tomorrow. Take the rest of the night to rest."

The Prince and I take our leave. As we walk the hallways, I glance out the windows. The King and Queen are laughing, swinging together on the bench. I smile and Orsik comes up behind me, laying his hand over mine. "My mother said she had to go through the worst heartbreak of her life before she met Father. She told me once that her Mother was murdered, shortly after her Grandmother was murdered as well. She believes there's a curse on the women in the family. That's why she's never accepted a handmaiden. She was worried they would try something. Then you came along. She saw something in you. Since you showed up, she's laughed and smiled more. She wasn't acting like herself, like she was missing some part of herself. She was right to trust you, Rosie." When we reach my room Orsik turns me to face him, pulling my hand to his chest, "Thank you. For bringing what we so desperately needed back into our palace." I look at him a little confused, I didn't bring anything with me. "What do you mean, Orsik?" 

The Prince smiles and places a daffodil in my hands. Then turns, leaving me alone.

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