Chapter 17

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While Merida was on the phone someone was watching her. The person heard the whole conversation and they ran toward Jack house.



Jack open the door upset. When he look at the person at the door he saw the one and only rapunzel.

Rapunzel: Jack

Jack: rapunzel

Hiccup: hey what's up rapunzel

Rapunzel: hey um do you have worker name Merida

Jack: yes yes I do

Rapunzel: well I just saw her


Jack: knew what

Delansy: did you see a guard walk by

Rapunzel: yes but that was a costume

Delansy: Merdia was the guy you were about to shoot

Jack: hiccup plan

Hiccup: plan C then

Delansy: what about plan B

Hiccup: PLAN C

Jack: just tell us the plan

Hiccup: alright here is the plan

- Hans company-

Elsa woke up and saw her hands were tied up to the ceiling. At least her her legs are free. She felt someone behind her. She use her legs and kicked the person behind

: ow what was that for

Elsa: oh Anna I'm so sorry

Anna: Elsa your ok

Elsa: yeah now time to get out of here

Anna: how

Elsa: just wait you will see

Hans: oh you ladies are awake

Hans was walking with two other people behind them. One with frizzy red hair and the other was blonde head.


Anna: where

Anna start using her legs to twirl her around. Now Elsa is staring at a wall while Anna is happy to see her boyfriend.

Anna: Kristoff how I'm happy to see you

Kristoff: I'm sorry Anna

Anna: huh???

Hans: oh Anna I forgot to tell you. Kristoff is now working for me


Hans: let's get to business, Merida turn them around

Merida: yes sir

Merida walk up to the tied up sisters and turn them around

Merida: I'm sorry

Merida walk back to where Hans was standing

Hans: good Elsa let's start this

Elsa: what now

Hans: I want your company

Elsa: no

Hans: Kristoff did you make the copies

Kristoff: yes sir

Hans: give me

Kristoff handed Hans the copies

Hans: these are wedding invitation, I will send them out

Elsa: I know what your doing and I don't care do it

Anna: Elsa he will take over your company

Elsa: go ahead, once you kill me something bad will happen to you

Hans: and what is that

Elsa: oh once I'm gone you will never find the money I keep and all of my workers, well let's just say they will quit

Hans: I won't let them

Elsa: don't let them free, they won't work, they don't work no money

Hans: you must of plan this all out

Elsa: I did and I know your next move

Hans: no you don't

Elsa: you will send out the invitation and make me tell you where the money is so....

Hans slapped Elsa so hard that it left a mark

Elsa: oh and I won't marry you

Hans: why!?!?!

Elsa: cause I don't marry a man that I just met

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