Chapter 3

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Jack was pacing around in his office while hiccup is watching.

Jack: the arrendle company, the boss isa WOMEN

hiccup: well how did you find that

Jack: I called the company and there was a lady voice

Hiccup: it might me a man with a high pitch voice

Jack: that means he is gay right

Hiccup: I guess

Then the jack grabbed a phone and called the arrendle company

Hiccup: what are you doing sir

Jack: something, hello how may I help you

Caller: you called us

Jack: no I'm pretty sure you called me, now how may I help you

- arrendle company-

Rapunzel: um mam, the boss of the guardian company called you but he say we called him

Elsa: give me it please

Elsa grabbed the phone

Jack: how may I help you, I'm waiting

Elsa:I don't need any help form a poor man

Jack: your mean like the witch of the wicked west

Elsa: I'm not that ugly, you must be the witch of the wicked ugly

Jack: that don't make sense, and b***h I'm beautiful

Elsa: maybe your not, maybe your an a**hole

Jack: I eat pancakes b****h

Elsa grabbed a paper and started crumbling it

Elsa: oh sir your connection is weird, I can't hear you blop

Elsa hanged up and looked up to see anna

Elsa: may I help you

Anna: you never say those words

Elsa: well I had to

The day was over and elsa walked to the park. She wasn't paying any attention on where she is walking so she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw a handsome man ( remember this elsa and jack never met. They only heard there voices) ( oh anthor thing guess who the man is hint: not JACK FROST)

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