The date

909 42 6

Jack: tell me who the girl is

Hiccup: no

Jack: please

Hiccup: no

Jack: please

Hiccup: no

Jack: please

Hiccup: no

Hiccup was getting ready for his date with the girl ( and everyone know who she is)

Jack: fine then where you going

Hiccup: can't tell you

Jack: fine then

-elsa and anna house-

Anna: who is the man elsa

Elsa: i don't know

Anna: then why are you getting ready if you don't know the man

Elsa: its a mystery date *make ghost sounds*

Rapunzel: we need to know elsa

Elsa: you will, now punz tell me should my hair be up or down

Rapunzel: down

Anna: why i think up will be ok

Rapunzel: well anna down is perfect on a date because..... Um...because elsa hair is always I mean always in a bun nothing else

Anna: how about elsa put her hair in a messy braid

Elsa: going with down because I got to get to the park

Anna: the park eh

Elsa: bye everyone love yall

Elsa walked out and rapunzel and anna did a evil smirk

- at the park-

Elsa and hiccup both walked in the park at the same time.

Hiccup: you look beautiful like always elsa

Elsa: not to bad yourself. Now where are you taking me

Hiccup: well just follow me

Elsa followed hiccup to a 5 star restaurant

Elsa: ohh I always wanted to go here

Hiccup: well now your here

Behind the bush popped out anna and rapunzel head

Anna: they said they will be at the park

Rapunzel: well now they are here now shhhh

Behind the other bush popped out jack and Snotlout

Jack: that must be the girl. And oh my gosh how did hiccup get her

Snotlout: she's hotter then astrid

Jack: and tooth

Back to hiccelsa moment

They walked in the restaurant and sat at their table

Hiccup: so elsa can you tell me little bit more about you

Elsa: of course

In the background anna and rapunzel dress up as a man and lady that just got married

Anna: why am I the wedding bride

Rapunzel: fine what to change to a man

Anna: I'm fine

In the other background jack and Snotlout dress up a waitress with mustache

Snotlout: this are so ichy

Jack: come on

They walked to hiccup table

Jack: hello I'm Diego and this is bob

Snotlout: I'm bob and how you doing beautiful

Hiccup: jack, Snotlout

Jack: no it's Diego and bob

Hiccup: can I talk to you for a sec

Jack: ok

Hiccup: be right back

Hiccup walked to the kitchen with "Diego" and "bob"

Hiccup: wha are you doing here

Snotlout: we wanted to see the girl

Jack: and dude how did you get her

Hiccup: my good looks but that's not the point

Jack: look let us see the girl and you get your paycheck hmmm 30 times better than tooth deal

Hiccup: deal

Back at the table

Elsa: I know that you guys are behind me

Anna: what are you talking about

Rapunzel: *a man voice* we are just a married couple

Elsa walked to that table and took off their wigs

Rapunzel: fine you caught us

Anna: so how is your date

Elsa: fine how is yours

Rapunzel: not ok

Anna: so what's the man name

Elsa: hiccup

Rapunzel: you know that Diego guy looked like one of my exs

Anna: hey elsa sit in your seat, your date is coming

Elsa sat back in her seat and rapunzel and anna put their wig on

Elsa: what took so long

Hiccup: well..... we are adding a few people to our table

Elsa: oh who

Jack and Snotlout came out wearing there tuxs

Hiccup: them. Elsa I would like you to meet Snotlout and jack

Elsa: hi I'm elsa

Jack: nice to meet you

Jack kissed elsa hand

Snotlout: what a nice name

Snotlout was about to kiss her hand but hiccup stepped on his foot

Hiccup: hey elsa want to dance

Elsa: love to

They walked off to the dance floor

Jack: I want that girl so bad

Rapunzel: JACK!!!

Jack turn around to see his ex girlfriend rapunzel

Jack: rapunzel

Snotlout: well hello angel

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