Chapter 14

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Guard men: fine I will tell you

Hiccup: good

Guard men: here read this

The guard gave them a envelope. Hiccup open and read it out loud

Hiccup: dear Jack Frost,

A lot of people said that your boss of the guardian company. Is that true

Jack: duh

Hiccup: shh jack

If it's true then I want to ask you something. I want your company. I will pay as much as you want. But if you decline this then " your girl" will get it

- hans

Jack: doesn't he work in the southern isle company

Hiccup: that poor company

Jack: really poor

Hiccup: so what's at your answer

Jack: well I can't say it in front of him

Hiccup took jack to the kitchen

Jack: no but I got a plan

Hiccup: it better be good

Jack: It will

Jack walk back to the living room. He point his gun at the guard men

Jack: where did this hans put my girl at

Guard: I can't tell you his hideout

Hiccup: pull the trigger

Guard: please I beg you I will do anything

Jack: the girl location

Guard: if I tell you my master will beat me up

Hiccup: how your a big man

Guard: their fake

Jack: now these are real

Jack pull up his shirt

Guard: not in front of me please

Jack: oh sorry

Hiccup: jack he won't talk so pull it

Guard: please I have a wife and she's pregnant


Then someone burst in the door

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