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A/N: Hey guys!! I just wanted to lyk that this chapter isn't canon, aka it isn't relevant to the story's plot/ won't progress the story. Side note; I can't believe we're almost at 500 views, and people are finding my story on their recommendations! You guys are truly amazing and thank you for helping me get this far!! <3

Anyways this chapter is going to be from all my characters POV's, just so you guys get a more in depth look at their lives, their relationships with the main characters, and so you don't forget them like I did (I'm so sorry Eddie <3). Hope you enjoy!!

Ivy's POV:

"Hey Dee!" I can't help the excitement in my voice when she picks up.

We call every single day to plan, or show eachother stuff, or just to say hi and talk. Delilah hasn't been my friend for very long, but ever since I met her, my life has changed. We have talked for hours about everything and anything. I tell her my problems and she gives me her wisdom.

"Hey girl! What's up? How was your sleep?" She always has a playful tone when she calls. It's actually quite impressive how she always seems unbothered.

"My sleep was okay... How was yours?"

"It was pretty good! Full 8 hours, like always. Did you drink water today?"

"Yeahhh! I had toast for breakfast."


I can't help but laugh. Dee sometimes just breaks out into song; on call, in person, everywhere. She's a really good singer too. I think it's because I sing so much around her, my confidence in public singing is rubbing off on her.

"You are being goofy this morning, aren't you?"

"Uh, yeah!! So what are you doing tonight??? We should hang out. Omg, SLEEPOVER!!"

"I can't, sorry. I have a sleepover to go to already."

"Awww man, who's?"

"Maya's birthday sleepover."

"Aw shit. Who's gonna be there?"

"Just some friends. Wish you could be there tho :("

"I'm busy tonight anyways, plus Maya doesn't seem to like me."

"Well okay then. Sophia is gonna be there, Eddie, Rex, and Autumn."

"Oh damn. What time?"

"5pm I think. I don't remember Eddie all that much, isn't he supposed to be somewhat relative to the story?"

"What? Wdym?"

"Oh... Nevermind."

"So Rex is going? Isn't that the person who's been pissing you off lately?"

"I wouldn't say pissing me off! I'm not mad at them or anything, I'm just... Idk."

" Sigh well at least we changed your phone password so they can't annoy you anymore."

"Yeah... Annoyed isn't the word I would go with, but good thinking on that. Changing my password."

"No problemo Vee. Uh- it's 4:25... You should get ready for the party lol."

"Well crap. Yes, yes I should. Goodbye, my prince!"

"Adios cowboy. Text me if you need me."

"Don't worry! I will!"

*Hangs up*

I plug my phone in and start packing a bag for the party. PJs, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. Delilah is probably my best friend, now that I think about it. And she's a really great best friend. I mean she tells me how much I mean to her... Like... Every day! That's gotta mean something, right?

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