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TW//: GOREEE (sorry for forgetting this)

"I did it." I mutter, turning around to see if I'd imagined killing Delilah again, or if this was real.

"Rex-" Charlie starts, before placing a hand over her mouth.

Her eyes strain and she whips around and vomits over the edge of the porch. My friends stare at me in horror. They're no longer smiling and laughing. I thought they were on my side I thought they supported me getting revenge.

"What?" I furrow my brows and wipe blood off my cheek with my hoodie sleeve.

I lift the axe into my hands, feeling a sort of authority over everyone in the room. My girlfriend wipes her mouth, refusing to look at me. Ivy starts crying, and Sofia holds her in her arms, comforting her and slowly pulling her away from me. My other friends back up, like I'm some wild animal.

"What? What is it? What the fuck is it?" I step towards them, and I see panic in their eyes.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PROBLEM?!" I scream, and Ivy's cries turn into sobs, and she clings desperately to Sofia's clothes, trying to get some stability as she slowly sinks to the floor. Eddie shakes and tries to speak but no sound comes.

My girlfriend backs away from me and runs. Not a normal, having fun kind of run, but a terrified run. As if she were running from danger. My hands started trembling and the axe started feeling suddenly very heavy.

"Doll wait-" I yelled after her, but I couldn't move. I was frozen in place, and I heard my friends start muttering and whispering things.

"Guys help me clean this up!" I said, trying to sound confident and lighten the mood.

Everyone's eyes slowly fluttered down to face the body on the floor. Ivy refused to look, sniffling and incoherently muttering like an insane person. I turn around to look at Delilah and my situation finally sinks in.

I killed somebody.

I drop the axe and lift my blood hands up to my face, and feel trembles shake my body. I can't look away. Delilah's life is slipping out of her in a big red puddle. My eyes flood and my breath quickens as I wail in shock. I fall to my knees and rest my forehead on the cold floor as I shake and sob.

My friends voices fade out and their footsteps can be heard running down the driveway. I listen to the sirens in the background, but can't move. It's like the police cars arriving and the shouts of command are muffled. Ambulances pull up and I'm forced to turn around.

A policewoman comes beside me and pushes my face down on the cold tiles, handcuffing me and stating my rights. She pats me down and pulls me away from the body. She talks to her partner and they begin to question me, but I can't speak. I can't think. I can't breathe.

They push me into the back of a cop car and the rest of the night is a blur. I watch my friends walk past the car window and be questioned, all of them look scared. I'm scared too. I can't go to jail... It would ruin my future. I watch the ambulance load Delilah's mangled body into the back, in a stretcher. No body bag. That means she could still be alive.

I begin to panic. Delilah will tell them what I did. She doesn't understand anything and if she lives, she'll ruin my life. That fucking bitch. Charlie walks past my window, and causes my heart to skip a beat. My body trembles as I push myself over to the window and scream wildly to try and catch her attention.

I begin to bang my head against the window and a police officer has to come and buckle me in so I don't injure myself. He tells me I need to stay calm and be quiet, because it would be in my benefit if I just avoided further conflict. I don't listen.

"PLEASE O-OFFICER LET ME TALK TO MY GIRLFRIEND!" I yell, kicking my legs to try and stop him from buckling me in.

"PLEASE I NEED TO TALK TO HER!!!" I scream, trying to get him to listen . He ignores me, and tells me to stop yelling.

"Please why is she talking to the police she did nothing please let me speak to her please..." I beg, and finally receive an answer as he closes the door.

"She's the one who called the police." His voice was cold, and slightly annoyed.

What? But she's my girlfriend!! She wouldn't do this to me! How could she do this to me!!

I begin to cry, watching my friend's parents pull up to Delilah's house to pick them up. Ivy is crying, wrapped in a blanket, and being comforted by officers and Sofia. Eddie has got his fists shoved into his jean pockets. I stare at them through the car's tinted window, and they stare back, as if they can see me. They all look afraid, shaken up, and ashamed.

My parents show up and immediately begin to argue with the police, saying I'm just a little girl and I could never do anything like this. Part of me wants to side with them, feel their protection, hide behind my parents like a small child, but another part of me feels they're wrong. I can do something like this. I did do something like this.

I feel pride for what I did.

And I hope Delilah dies in the hospital Infront of nobody, because her parents probably wouldn't even be there for her.

I want her to die and I want it to be because of me.

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