Chapter 2: Causing an Interaction

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After your favorite class, the rest of the day seemed to drag on. You were dreading going home with a write-up slip, and you had to get it signed by your parents, so it's not like you could hide it from them. That would only get you in more trouble. You trudged to your last period class with a frown on your face. You weren't eager to go to class, not only because it was the last one that day, but also because it was horribly annoying. Sex Education. You didn't think sex education itself was bad, but your school taught it as abstinence only, and you found that annoying. Didn't they know the detrimental mindset they were putting the young adults they taught into? No, they didn't, you supposed. Or they did and they just didn't care. You sighed as you seated yourself in the front.

You were annoyed, not only because of how they taught it, but also because they taught sex education way too late, you were a junior in high school, you'd be a senior next year, most people you knew, both your age and younger, had already had sexual experiences. You would admit, you hadn't, yet, you had kissed, but not much more. You didn't mind, though, you weren't ready and you accepted that. You looked at the board and cocked a brow at the topic. STIs, again. You covered this last week, what else could they go on about? How it would kill you? How you'd be ruined forever, you precious little flower? You rolled your eyes. At least in this class you could get away with daydreaming because the teacher just honestly did not give a shit.

As you sat down, you felt eyes on you. Dave. You sighed and turned to face him, cocking your brow once more. He gave a quirk of his own brow before looking at the board, over your shoulder. You faced forward once more and slumped forward. You cradled your head in your arms as they rested on the table in front of you. This period would be very, very long. It was then, you noticed, that Dave didn't have many friends in this class. He sat all alone, virtually two desks behind you with no one around him. Hell, everyone was in front of you, and you were in front of him. Looking up at the teacher, noticing that they had their back turned, you slipped from your desk and moved to sit next to Dave. You saw his brows raise above his shades before he focused back on the teacher. Smiling in triumph, you plopped back into your arms.

You quickly "took notes" on the paper below you, writing something for Dave.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" you asked, passing the paper to him. You felt Dave shift to read the paper. You didn't know how, but you felt like he was amused at your attempt to talk to him.

"What do you keep daydreaming about?" You frowned at his messy scrawl. You asked a question first.

"Nature." You erased and sighed. "Running through a field." Erased again. "Nothing important."

"Doesn't seem that way. How many times have you gotten in trouble for daydreaming, now?"

"Doesn't matter. Why do you keep looking at me?"

"I don't keep looking at you." You blushed, you knew you were right, but he also knew you couldn't prove him wrong.

"You do, though! I can feel your eyes on me." You quickly drew a cute little angry emoji.

"I don't, though." You flushed bright red and dropped your head into your arms, trying to hide the bright blush on your cheeks. How could he be so rude?! You both knew he did, but you couldn't argue with him.

"Nevermind, then. I'll go back to my regular seat." You shifted to put the note on his desk as you collected your bag once more to try and slip to your seat when you felt Dave grab your wrist.

"No, seriously. What do you daydream about?" You frowned. Was this really what he thought about you? Was that all he wanted to know about you? Was that all you reminded him of? You sighed. You supposed you didn't blame him. It's not like you were well liked. Grabbing the paper, you nibbled your bottom lip, thinking about what to say.

"Why do you care so much?"

"It's the only time you seem happy." You looked at him, brows furrowing together.

"I didn't think you'd notice me."

"It's hard not to when the teacher keeps calling your name and you stay silent." You blushed again, embarrassed that it continually happened. You rubbed your cheeks and bit your lip. Before you could reply, the paper was pulled back so Dave could write again.

"Hey, don't go all embarrassed. It's cool. Gets us out of learning more." You frowned. While it was true, you couldn't help but feel embarrassed. That's all anyone would remember you as. The person who daydreamed so much the class got out of learning. Moving your pen to respond, you jumped when the end bell sounded through the room. Blinking rapidly. You looked at Dave as he quirked his lips in a smile before jerking his head.

"Hey," he said, aloud. You blinked at him, raising a brow.

"Hi," you hummed in response, collecting your things. He opened his mouth to ask you something when, once again, you were both interrupted.

"Dave!" You looked up and saw his friends waving from the door. Shoving the paper into your bag, you give him a small nod before pulling away to head home and face your parents. Last period wasn't as bad as you thought and it wasn't nearly as long. Now, however, you needed to face your parents.

Ensorcell :: (Dave x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant