Chapter 4 : Furthering Interests

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Ughhh, what time was it again?? You groaned when you looked at the clock. You never did get used to waking up at 6 in the morning. Stretching you looked at the reminder scrawled on the back of your hand.

"Get a list of clubs" You sighed, even with the reminder you might forget. Rolling your neck, you plopped back down on your pillows and closed your eyes, hoping to sleep at least for another half hour before you have to really get up. However, at 6:15 your alarm when off again. Fine, fine, fine, you'll get up. Rolling out of bed, you felt yourself shuffle over to your closet and put on your clothes. Yea, whatever you were wearing felt comfortable enough, that would be good. Slinging your backpack over your shoulder you headed out to the kitchen where you knew your parents would be eating their own breakfast. Although, know that you thought about it. Your dad was probably already at work, and....your mom was, too. Checking the mirror you winced at your appearance. You didn't sleep good at all last night. Groaning, you dropped your back where you stood and slumped back to your room. Changing into denim jeans, a nice button up, and sneakers, you fixed your hair and deemed yourself acceptable to at least leave the house.

Reaching the kitchen, you noticed the note on the table.

"Darling, please don't forget to ask about a list of clubs from school today. Have a wonderful day. Please don't get in trouble again. Love, Mom.

PS You didn't pack a lunch last night, here's some money for lunch - Dad"

You sighed and smiled. They knew you so well, aside from the lunch part, anyway. You had packed your lunch after they had both gone to bed since you couldn't sleep. Leaving the money on the table, you grab a granola bar and head out the door. You would already have to rush to school to get there on time so you didn't want to waste anytime getting something to heat up or the likes. Picking up your pace, you speed walk your way to school, frowning at how your cheeks were going to be red and everyone will know you had to rush, yet again. When you arrived to school, you sighed in relief that you still had at least a few moments before class started that you could buy a water and eat your breakfast. The walk to school left you feeling more tired than you had before because of how much energy you had used, but at least you're mentally awake, you rationalized. Buying a water from the fifty cents you had in your pocket, you head your first period class and hoped that today would at least be decent.

By lunch time, everyone knew you had spoken to Dave. You both went to a relatively small school, so the fact that everyone knew didn't surprise you. However, what did surprise you was the fact that they were all insinuating that you both were in a relationship because he had grabbed your wrist and you both had been whispering during class. Sitting by yourself at your lunchtable with the few rejects of the school, you were surprised by how many ugly looks you were getting. You couldn't tell if it was because you were sitting with the rejects after speaking to Dave, or because you had spoken to in the first place. Luckily enough, you didn't have lunch with Dave, so there was no one bombarding him or you with questions. However, unfortunately, it also dissuaded people from treating you like a human being with actual emotions as opposed to passive observation, like Dave. Frowning at all the looks, you conversed slightly with the group you sat with, for once.

"So it's true you and Dave spoke?" One of them asked, quiet as they looked around. You pursed your lips. Of course that would be the only topic everyone wanted to talk about today. Sighing, you gave up and nodded.

"Yes, gosh. I don't see why this matters so much. We spoke like five words to each other." You groaned, dropping your head into your crossed arms. One of the guys smirked and snorted.

"Now we're acting like one of them, right?" he asked, voice cynical but honest. You nodded, heaving a sigh. "Sorry," his voice was honest and humble now, "if it's annoying we can stop." You nodded again, and thankfully the subject was dropped. However, you went to pull your lunch box out from your bag and groaned when you realized you forgot to put it in your bag while in a rush this morning. Your stomach grumbled angrily in protest at you because you didn't have a lunch and you were hungry. You felt yourself pout in displeasure and rub your stomach to keep it calm and quiet. Laying your head down, you decided that instead of staying here while everyone was being loud and giving you looks and surrounded by food you couldn't eat, you'd go to the library. You didn't get open campus for lunch, you weren't even supposed to leave the lunch room without telling a teacher that supervised, but you bit your lip and shrugged it off. To the library you went, at least you could get distracted by fantasy novels there. And anyway, you had a study hall next period there today since your Chemistry teacher wasn't in today. Shuffling your way to the corridors, you plopped yourself down in a chair at the library and pulled out your laptop.

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