During The Event

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"What do you mean they changed something last minute?" You asked curiously, currently at a high class boutique store with Pepper and Nat.

Pepper and Nat had already been fitted and put in dresses that complimented them both very well, along with getting their make-up and hair done, as you were the last one getting dressed since it would take the longest due to your wings.

"Well, they wanted this to be more of a surprise for the volunteers tonight. Not seeing who their highest bidder is and stuff." Pepper informed you, but she seemed slightly skeptical. "It'll be fun, I'm sure. Besides, I'm sure that a certain someone will be really upset and in awe at the same time."

You hear Nat say, trying not to think of how Loki would react upon seeing you like this. And then how he won't be able to be near you until after the event. Sighing to yourself, you finish up with the help of a designated dressmaker before you walk out into the room they were in. "How is this?" You ask, hearing them gasp softly in excited delight.

"Oh, you look downright stunning, Y/N!" Pepper exclaims, and Nat nods in approval with a smile. You look at yourself in the mirror, and try not to smile too much as you see yourself.

Being in a (y/f/c) (y/f/dress), you had to admit that you were indeed looking really good today. You were sat down for the finishing touches of makeup and light jewelry before a white corsage flower was banded around your wrists, and heels matching your outfit were put on your feet.

You kept still as your short hair was styled for you lastly to complete your makeover, before the three of you went to head out for the thirty minute drive to the place of the event.

Pepper called and spoke to Tony to make sure that they would be there on time to get to their reserved seats, and brought up the fact that you'd be backstage until your name was called. You sighed through your nose as you fiddled with the corsage, feeling more nervous than earlier. Nat rested a hand on your shoulder and rubbed it gently. "It'll be okay, Y/N. Tonight's going to go by fast." She reassures you, and you nod. "Yeah.. hopefully the food will be good, and a nice night of sleep will help."

Nat smiles at you, before you all notice the large building that resembles the city hall. And then you notice just how many people have already shown up as the sun had already set. "The boys are already inside. They weren't allowed to wait on us." Pepper says, and you huff. "Rude." "Yeah, I agree with that."

As you all got out of the limo you were in, you try not to blink too hard from how many camera flashes are going off. You ignore the people wanting to interview you, following behind Pepper as Nat is behind you. But before you can go through the main lobby, a guard stops you as he sees the corsage. "Please come this way. All volunteers have a different waiting area."

You nod, bidding Nat and Pepper goodbye as you're led in a different direction by someone dressed sharply, probably one of the main directors of the ball, you think.

You look around as you're led through a door, there being a hallway filled with few people; Some having clipboards and, servers bustling around with wheeling trays in a slightly chaotic but organized way. You get a few looks but you aren't bothered.

The person you're following stops and opens a door at the end of the hallway on the right. "Please be careful going up the stairs. You should see the others almost immediately." The person tells you, and you smile in thanks before you head inside. Being careful of the small steps, you head straight into what looks like both a dressing room and a break room as there's a small table with cold drinks and cut fruit in cups being offered.

Along with the other dozen women who are wearing white corsages, and who have also gone quiet at your presence. You stare back at them as you can sense their disdain for you, before one woman approaches you with a smile. "You're Y/N, right? It's nice to meet you." She says, extending her hand out. You note how pretty she is, having dark skin with vitiligo patches in various places and really gorgeous chocolate eyes, along with curly dreadlocks going down her back. You take her hand gently to shake. "Thanks, it's nice to meet you, too."

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