New Cell

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You watch Abigail pacing back and forth in front of you, spouting colorful sentences out of anger.

Anger for you, and anger at your predicament.

"Abigail, it's fine, honestly." You tell her, wanting your friend to calm down. She turns on her heels, scoffing with disbelief. "Are you fucking kidding me, Y/N? You're like a prisoner right now! You helped protect us, and get put in this place until we get to the next destination, but that guy with the fake arm gets room and board and therapy sessions free of charge!" You raise an eyebrow. "Wait, I'm getting charged?" "Y/N!"

Sighing softly, you rest your chin in your hand, your arm propped up on a small desk. "Sorry, but I'm used to this treatment, even if the setting is new." You mumble, breathing in carefully as you were still healing from a few days ago. At least you were awake and could partially move around.

Abigail watched you from where she stood; Outside of a giant cylinder shaped glass cell, reinforced with steel and triple layers of unbreakable panes.

You yourself were in white scrubs like a mental patient, with different bandages covering the cuts and bruises that could be seen peeking out from under your clothes, but at least your hair hadn't been cut. Your wings were almost non-existent right now, a complete 180 of when you had nearly lost your wolf form. And attached to your neck was a thick metal collar, a literal cable wire leash connected to it and tethering you to a small pole in the center. At least you had enough leash length to walk around the cell.

You both look over as your raven haired prince and his brother were allowed into the room, and you sigh with a small wave as you meet their gaze. You can already see just how upset both brothers are, but Thor's expression is always the most evident one. "At least three of my favorite people are here now."

Abigail crossed her arms, still very much upset about the situation as she stared up at them. "Please tell me that they're going to stop being idiots and let Y/N out of here."

"Apparently not knowing how much of a threat Y/N is, is the biggest threat in itself." Loki said, going up to the control panel. "That being said, I'll take my chances. I'm rather fond of the dangerous lifestyle."

Your cheeks burn, before you stand up as he unlocks the door to the cell and waltzes in. Abby and Thor are quick to follow, Abby rushing over and hugging you. You gently hug her back, trying not to show any signs of pain as Loki huffs quietly.

Abigail stuck her tongue out at him, but moved away and stood with Thor as Loki enveloped you in a hug. Much more gently, and more intimately. Closing your eyes as you carefully wrap your arms around him in return, you take in his naturally thrilling musk and nestle your head against his chest. "You always smell really good, you know. Like old books and minty pine." "Well, as a God with a Glorious Purpose, smelling good is a natural occurrence." You smile, hugging him more despite your body's protests.

Loki kisses the top of your head, before gently pulling back and touching the collar around your neck with a thin lipped scowl. "Unnecessary precautions." You look down to your feet, shuffling some. "Fury apologized about it, but he couldn't do anything about it, even if the ship was to blow up." You rub your face a bit. "But, I'm just happy I can at least talk to and touch you, no matter how cursed my life is."

Feeling his fingers lift your chin, you look up into Loki's green eyes. "I'll be the one to lift that curse, I swear on it." You smile, leaning into his touch as his palm gently rests on your cheek. "You know you've already been forgiven, right? But, I'm still sorry about this... Situation." You mumble.

You never thought you'd be saying something so erotically simple, but all you wanted was to give yourself to Loki completely. To let him be your first, and only. You wanted him to wreck you in the most loving way possible, and you knew that he'd be the only one who could ever do that.

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