Big Ol' A/N and Characters :)

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Hello everyone, this is just a big note for the story development.

I'm enjoying writing it a lot, but I know some of it seems jumbled up, so this is just a mini description of the side characters if anything.

1:) Reimy. Usually gender fluid until in a forced human form.

Reimy's personality is supposed to be cool and collected, impassive even. But since drinking Y/N's mixed blood, they have struggled with staying composed. Lashing out with rough anger in an attempt to stay in control. Reimy is a Cherubim, a high authority Angel that is assigned to you out of an order duty to have a ward. Cherubim also contains and keeps records of other angels, and are the only ones who can access them apart from the Seraphim.

With you, however, Reimy deemed you to be an unfit angel and had basically abandoned you in hopes that Hydra would have killed you off. However, when you imprinted on Loki, it gave Reimy a certain signal that let them know you were very much alive. This prompted them to retrieve your life journal, and in turn find out you were very much a thriving hybrid. Once your location was found, they had hoped you would die with a swift strike to the heart, which proved useless thanks to your healing abilities.

After the first incident, Reimy didn't have to wait long for something else to happen, as they easily followed you through the blizzard without you ever noticing their presence.

Hours later after you were very far from The Avengers and the city itself did Reimy try to take you down while you were exhausted. You got injured badly enough to draw blood, and out of trying to defend yourself you used your blood as a means to distract them. It did, just not in the way you were expecting.

(The part with the vampirism was random but I didn't want to add actual vampires into the mix atop lycans and angels already, so I decided to say that angels were cannibalistic on some level.)

Reimy used you as both a healing vessel and a snack, and in turn began to become possessive over you when they weren't in their right mind.

2:) The Superior. Male Seraph. Cocky, aggressive, sexually driven, and highly powerful.

He prefers being in Mafia type suits just because of the style. He has a large harem and isn't shy about receiving any type of pleasantries. He's actually pretty laid back since he resides on earth, and runs business with strip clubs as the easiest way to both make money and take in angels and archangels that have lost their way. There are also lower humanoids that reside, as he isn't picky on who he keeps apart from actual humans (unless those humans are good enough for him to take in, at least). 

He's become more interested with you after learning that a Cherubim under him, Reimy, has been slacking in his duties. Once he found out he requested Reimy to bring you to him as an observation. But when he had to request Reimy twice is when he knew that you were much more trouble. Before your arrival he did have a rather unexpected meeting with Odin, outside of Asgard. This was to dispute the fact that the Allfather would try to raise an army of Valkyries again, and use you as a buffer (in the same way he did to Loki.) However, The Superior had warned that it would mean war if Odin dared to capture any angels on Earth, something he'd rather avoid. And once he found out that both Thor and Loki were on Earth as long as in your presence, he offered another peace treaty (disclosed).

3:) Abigail

Abigail is a 25 year old woman. At least 5'6 with a dark complexion and vitiligo in various spots on her body. She also has long curly dreadlocks and milk chocolate brown eyes. She mostly does casual or comfortable wear outside of work or events, and is just one of the secretaries in Stark Tower that has been there for five years now. She was there during the attack on New York, but she doesn't treat Loki like a war criminal since she trusts your friendship. She is slightly infatuated with Thor, but she's doing her best not to overstep any boundaries that come with The God of Thunder.

She has a very calm personality, and only shows her crazy side around you or any other close friends. She doesn't mind being nosy either if it means being helpful with any current situation. She in turn is rather open, but she isn't someone who gets knocked down easily.

Your character's upcoming characteristics:

Transition has been mentioned quite a few times, and I have yet to work out if I want it to be like Reimy who can go from being gendered separately, altogether, or none at all, or if it'll be something else entirely.

Your Lycan side is going to be mentioned much more in the next couple of chapters, along with your birthright and birthplace. I also had an idea to make the journal more sentient like Dr. Strange's cloak or like the little clock lady from the TVA, but that's still in the thought bubble.

This also will be tying into why you and The God of Mischief have yet to seal the deal completely, but it'll definitely be coming.

As for the main MARVEL cast, I'm going to get them in but by bit. So far Bucky will definitely be making a real appearance in future chapters, but I won't say when unless I put his name in the title to really let you know.

I appreciate you reading thus far like always, and I hope you continue to enjoy everything. Please do comment if you'd like, and I'll keep writing every chance I get :)

Thank you all!

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