juicy x mully feel better

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Juicy pov 

I heard my phone go buzz and it was mully texting  me

Mully - me and josh broke up

Juicy - why what happened

Mully - josh cheated on me

Juicy - that fuck up

Mully - I moved out and now I'm living with narrator

Juicy - ok

Mully - I'm going on walk talk to you later

--------A couple days later juicy pov------

I was editing my video then my phone started to ring. I picked it up and it was narrator.

Narrator - hello gaege

Juicy - how have mully been

Narrator - he been doing bad, I think you should come, it might make him feel better.

Juicy - ok I will be over in a bit

Time skip to when juicy get to narrator house still juicy pov

I knock on the door and narrator opens the door. Narrator saw I was nervous and he asked why are you nervous. Then I confessed my feelings for mully and narrator was very supportive. We went inside and mully was sitting on the couch and he looked very sad and down. When I walked in the living room he was crying and he didn't even say hi. Then I ask narrator how long have he been like this. narrator said this been happened every since he moved in. I said ok. Narrator said I'm going over eddie house and I said ok.

mully pov

After narrator left, gaege sat right next and hugged me, I hugged back and continued to cry on his shoulder. He rubbed my back and kept saying everything is going to be alright. Gaege I'm going to the bathroom I be right back and Gaege said ok. I went to the bathroom and started to cut my arm. He doesn't love me cut, I'm not worthy enough cut, he never loved me cut. By the third cut I started crying again then gaege came into the bathroom.

Gaege pov

As I walk in the bathroom I saw mully with cuts on his arm. I grab the first aid kit and bandage the cuts. Then I hugged mully and told him everything is going to be alright. We went back to the living and watched tv. As we walked back to the living mully kissed me and I was shook and kissed him back.

3rd person pov 

Mully and gaege became boyfriend and they took it very slow. Josh and mully made up and are slowly rebuilding their friendship. Mully and gaege told the other boys and they were happy. Everyone was happy and life was perfect.  

Your author here
Hope you enjoy this one shot and I'm working on more one shot and chapter for my other stories so stay tuned hope you have a wonderful day or night xoxo diamond aka the author

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