The Lake

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Some shopping, no drowning hopefully.

Drista, Tommy and Clementine started to head towards the village closest to the forest of Aster, it was a very small village by the looks of it, but they had plenty of materials and seemed to be well off.

"The clothes store is over this way, there are fabrics over in that stall in case we want to make our own and such." Tommy was always just saying facts. We all headed towards the clothing store, Tommy was holding Clementine while I held a bag for the things we bought.

"Hello, do you think you could help us figure out our sizes?"

"All three of you? Are you sure you have enough with you?"

"Yes, we have enough to buy the clothing, don't worry."

"Then come right this way into the back so I can figure out your measurements."


After the worker had checked all their sizes and made sure they sold clothing that size, she handed them a piece of paper with their sizes written down.

"It says Clementine is a size 3, shouldn't she be size 4?" Drista was only confused on Clementine's size, her and Tommy's looked quite accurate.

"Well Clementine said she's 4, she could just be smaller than average kids you know." They had begun looking through the clothing on the racks and shelves for one's they liked. Tommy had bought a winter outfit that was an oversized fluffy coat, some big red sweater and thick sweatpants, he also bought a casual outfit with a red baseball t-shirt and jeans, and some red and white striped pyjamas. Drista just bought a big green sweater, grey skirts, tights for her casual outfit, it looked similar to what she wore now. She bought a winter outfit which was just the same outfit but thick sweatpants instead of a skirt, and green pyjamas with yellow highlights. Clementine had picked out a cute purple dress with white socks, and yellow duck duck pyjamas, Tommy went and found her a winter outfit that she would like since she didn't know what counted as a winter outfit herself. They also all got 3 pairs of shoes each.

They were going to a food stall outside to get some basic food as they didn't have a kitchen to cook in, Tommy mentioned how there was a pretty cheap restaurant over there we could eat at before going to the lake. They picked up some fruit and bread, and some chocolate for Clementine and maybe them. They headed over to the restaurant where the cheapest thing was some pasta, Tommy said it was very good and that it's all he ate here to not spend too much money. Clementine got a kids meal of chicken nuggets and beans, Drista decided to try the pasta Tommy was on about, and Tommy of course had the pasta he had talked about.


They had just finished up in the restaurant, paying and then leaving to head back into the forest.

"Why aw we goin to the lakes Tommy?" Clementine had no idea why she got dragged out of the forest after being there for 2 days straight.

"Well that's a surprise isn't it Clem?"

"Aw, I don't likes surprises"

"Oh Clem, you'll love it, don't worry."

We had made it back to the nearly completed hut where we put down the bag with what we bought, and we started heading over to the lake that was deeper into the forest. Tommy had spotted it after looking for flowers for the bouquets he was making earlier in the day.

We had reached the lake and it surprisingly looked okay to swim in for being in the middle of a forest.

"Come on, get in the water you two." Tommy mocked them for not already getting in the water.

"I'm coming, I'm coming hold on, Clementine you ready to go in?" Clementine nodded at Drista, she looked a bit scared and it's obvious why, they were about to go into some random lake in a somewhat random forest, even if it was The Forest of Aster, it still was a forest, just other humans couldn't get in for some reason, Aster had given them permission to go into the forest after all.

"Come here Clem!" Clementine was standing on a sort of ledge into the lake, so she went closer to the ledge while Tommy reached up for her, Tommy held onto Clementine above the water. Drista slowly walked into the water, she hid her features in case the water upset them in some way.

"You ready to go in the water, Clem?"

"Uh, maybe I don't know"

"I'll slowly put you down okay?" Clementine nodded her head. Tommy slowly lifted her down into the water, Clementine didn't seem to be upset at being in the water so Tommy put her on the ground fully.

"It feels weird Tommy." Clementine didn't like the feeling of the rocks or mud apparently, Drista was just floating on her back in the middle of the lake, how in the world is that girl a Demi-God and just acts like a normal teen. Tommy picked Clementine back up and started walking towards Drista, the water was very high up with their heads barely above the water. Tommy was trying to teach Clementine to float on the water.

"Come here Clem, I'll hold you over here, I can float in the water so we won't drown!" Tommy passed Clementine over to Drista so he could swim over to them.

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