It's a House Soon to be a Home

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They start the plans of a new house, and XD is on his way to stop to Ezekiel's plan, but how?

Tommy and Clementine were walking around trying to see any houses that were for sale in the village next to the forest as they didn't want to leave the forest's area. Tommy came across a small house with 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living area, the description had also said there was plenty of room in the attic so you renovate it into something else besides storage. Tommy had looked at the listing and decided to get in contact with the person selling it; they arranged to look around the house in a few hours.

"So Clem, do you think it looks good from the outside?" Clementine nodded with a little 'mhm'.

"Is there something wrong Clem?"

"Where is Drista gonna sleep?" Tommy made an O shaped face.

"Drista isn't going to live with us forever, and we can turn the attic into a bedroom."

"Drista not going to live with us forever?" Clementine had pleading eyes with some tears, she's really attached to Drista and him because their the only people to show her genuine love and care, apparently she wasn't smart enough for her biological mother's standards. Clementine's good luck gifted from Ezekiel had seemed to work as she had come with them, away from the village.

"Clementine Drista is a Demi-God not a mortal like us, she also has other things to do, she can come visit us though don't worry Clem." Tommy tried to explain it in a way that Clementine didn't get upset at.

"Oh... Okay then, Drista will come visits us." Clementine looked disappointed but there wasn't much Tommy could do about that.


Tommy and Clementine were walking around the small house with the person selling it, they were describing a few things here and there but neither cared to listen. When it came to the attic they saw it wasn't in bad shape and would just need decorations and furniture, the description made it sound worse.

"So how do you like the house?" The salesperson asked towards Tommy but Clementine responded first.

"It's an amazing amazing house! Me and Tommy and Drista can alls live here!" Clementine responded with a bright smile.

"Clem I already said Drista will only come visit, and yes the house does look amazing."

"Well here's the price and all, if you would be kind enough to sign it and send it to me so you can't start paying I'd be happy to get you all started." The salesperson wasn't being discreet about how hard they were trying to sell the house.


About a week went by and Tommy was going through the process of buying the house, he said it would take a while but we could start moving in, in around a month or so until then they would live in the hut as it was completely fine to live in and had electricity the water was a work in progress it having some issues, the workers were quite confused on the Location and were even more confused when they could enter as everyone has heard the legend of if you step foot into the Forest of Aster you get flung out, that legend had been proved many times.

A New Demi-God?

Dream was currently reading a book about wars at an undisclosed Location, Dream's army was at war with anyone who seemed as though they had Drista, his younger sister who had gone missing on her 15th birthday.

"Hello young one, at war I see?" Ezekiel appeared in front of Dream.

"Who are you? I'm not afraid to kill you." Dream said standing up, Dream had missed the fact that this person was floating and had a glow as long as a floating crown of skulls.

"Oh me? I'm Ezekiel the God of Afterlife, Good luck, and Insanity of course I do also control the balance of good and evil with another God."

"Ezekiel? Haven't you made others Gods and Demi-Gods?"

"Oh but of course! Why do you think I'm here? Dream Was Taken? To make you an offer I know you won't deny!" Ezekiel seemed to look and sound crazy saying this.

"What is it?"

"Would you Dream Was Taken want to become the Demi-God of the Afterlife?" Ezekiel chuckled at the end.

"Yes I would, am I able to find my sister?"

"Well if she dies yeah but also you could use your blessed abilities you get from becoming a Demi-God to find her. Anyway, take my hand to seal the deal!" Dream took Ezekiel's hand at that, Ezekiel had nearly finished his plan. XD knew that Dream wouldn't accept his offer neither would Techno, too driven by power, jealousy or fear. Thomas Innit ???? was the only hope of stopping Ezekiel's plan.

"You won't regret this Dream Was Taken." Ezekiel smirked at Dream, he glanced behind him for a split second to show XD he knew he was there.

"You will regret it in the future. Dream Ezekiel is just using you, going to be stripped of your Demi-God powers afterwards." XD whispered, he hoped it went to Dream's ears, even if Dream didn't care.

XD was on his way to find Thomas Innit ???? in a village not too far away from Dream's undisclosed location. Ezekiel would not get away with his plan for much longer if XD had a say.

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