Chapter 2

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"You fucking idiot." You curse, slamming the charger onto the floor. For last several minutes or what rather felt like hours, you crouched down to the sockets desperately trying to charge your phone using that useless wire.

You've become so needy that you resorted to using the typical technique of wiggling the charger around in hoping it'd somehow work even if it'd result in loss of blood circulation due to the wire somehow tying around your wrist.

"I'm fed up with you." You mutter to yourself. Pulling yourself up from the ground. You suppose it was time you needed to return to the town to buy a new charger. It was easy before not needing your phone while drunk as everything was spiralling and blurry clearly a phone was no use to you. But now you were...sober.

Wanting to escape the public while needing to be out in public seemed like a challenge quite like...yesterday.

But since it was still late morning and you'd rather do anything but sit with your own thoughts, you thought now would be the time to head out and seek out an insufferable charger. How convenient.

The town was calm and steady compared to the rush and turbulence of the previous evening. You weren't however sure if that pleased you or not. It was easy to mix into a crowd, become lost and yet being completely sane with not physically feeling present. Yet right now it was completely opposite, you stood out more now with the lack of people despite the fact that everyone present was off living in their  own world. It made your fingers twitch in nervousness. The anxiousness that being sober brought.

Eyeing down the shop before you, you were glad that you needn't walk far into town to come across the shop. Despite the shop being modern the location was rather suspicious since either side of the small shop was an older shut down building barricaded by rotting walls. It didn't seem to belong here.

Just as your fingertips touched the door a sudden noise emerged. A cry of a crow broke out. Next to the modern phone shop  on the high brick wall stood the crow staring down at you.
Looking up, you tilt your head in wonder, brows furrowing as well.

Just then the stoic crow flew overhead you, his large ruinous wings spread.
You head snaps turning as he fly's behind you. He lands on the market stall.
Since when was the modern phone shop located just across from the markets ?

Eyeing the crow, your eyes lower the see the owner of said market stall to see who stands before it. Your eyes widen in surprise at the sight. The same quaint bygone woman from yesterday. Her small eyes gawking straight ahead. At you.

The more weary steps you took the more you felt as if though you were being chained and being tugged at, pulling you closer. You then come to the conclusion.

The crow was leading you away.

"We meet again." You smile politely at the woman. "You must have me confused. I don't know a woman like yourself." The woman continues to stare. Confused, your head tilts to the side but you shake your head slightly. She's an elderly woman, of course she wouldn't exactly remember you. This is probably her hundredth encounter of the morning. Yet the woman doesn't even attempt to recall who you are.

For the first time, your eyes glance down at the table of her stall to see what exactly the woman sells. Silver pendent necklaces placed down on silk sheets. They all showed a carved heart, many details placed in the necklaces. Your fingertips barely graze the necklaces when they're suddenly snatched from her.
"If you are to seek one of these you must take this one, woman."

There from her own pocket she pulls a necklace just like the others however there's a clear difference. "A crow ?" You state, eyeing the bird who's sharp eyes still stare you down. You subtly tilt your head at him almost as if you were challenging him.

Delightful | William James Moriarty x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now