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Raf opened the image and blew it up, taking in all the details of Calli's painting. It made him feel warm inside to see something she had created.

Raf: That painting is incredible! You are a fantastic artist! That would definitely be the one that would catch my attention. That is literally jaw-dropping. I don't know why, but looking at it makes me so happy. Amazing!! ❤️

Once again, Calli was taken aback by how Raf seemed to be on the same wavelength. Lots of people didn't understand her art. But with this piece, "happy" was definitely what she was going for.

Belle: Aww, thank you! I'm so happy you like it. <3

"Nah-ah," Raf said to himself. "I don't just like it." He couldn't figure out why, because it looked so simple. Not that he could have painted it himself, but the brush strokes looked so free, so unintended. Combined with Sanskrit, which was a visually beautiful language, it just made him happy to look at it.

Maybe it was also the creator of the work herself. Knowing that she made it, made him joyful to look at it.

Raf: Oh yeah, I love it. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ I can't even begin to imagine how much time it took you to make that. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ It would be a centerpiece in any art show! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Your work is so good! ❤️

Belle: You are making me blush right now 😳

As time went on, they messaged daily, as much as possible. Calli even watched the Violet Evergarden series, which was just as good as Raf told her it would be. Then she noticed something on Netflix.

Belle: Hey, have you watched the other Violet Evergarden stuff? There's...I think 3 more on Netflix.

Raf: What?! No! I didn't realize. Oh, wow!

He looked at his Netflix account, and sure enough, there they were. He had an idea.

Raf: Hey, I just thought of something. If it's too crazy, let me know. But what if we had a watch party?

Belle paused, her heart pounding.

Raf: I mean, we could text while we're watching. But I thought it might be easier if we talked on the phone...if you're comfortable with that. It would almost be like we're sitting in the room together, instead of 3,000 miles apart.

Belle: I would love that! ❤️

Raf grinned with relief. He'd finally get to hear her voice! He was so glad that she felt ready to exchange numbers, because the more they chatted, the more he wanted to be close to her.

They made plans for him to call her the following evening-afternoon for her-to watch the Violet Evergarden movie. He put in his earbuds and called her at the designated time.

"Hey," said a soft, sweet voice. His heart melted.

"Hey," Raf replied, a lump in his throat. "It's so good to hear your voice."

"Yours, too," Calli replied, laughing quietly. 'I think...I feel closer to you, hearing you talk. Is that weird?"

"Not weird at all," Raf rushed to reply. "I feel the same way. And let me tell you, it's a great feeling."

"It is," Calli agreed. "Sooo...I know you have some snacks over there. Give me the goods."

Raf chuckled, and the sound gave Calli goosebumps. "I may or may not have bought some spicy popcorn for the occasion."

She laughed again, and Raf closed his eyes and swallowed. That sound was music to his ears. "Same...except mine has cheese on it, too."

"Spicy cheesy popcorn?!" Raf exclaimed. "What brand is that? I have to get some!"

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