Queen of the Reich

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Calli sighed. The morning had been perfect. She wrapped her arms around Raf's torso and leaned her head against his chest. "Are you ready for the Queensrÿche concert tonight?"

"I can't imagine a better way to end this incredible day with you, Calli. I'm so ready. There's nothing like a live show, is there, baby? All that energy, all those people, and all that music. I get goosebumps even thinking about it. What about you? Are you ready for the show?"

"So ready," Calli agreed. "There's nobody I'd rather go with." She started humming Queensrÿche's "Anybody Listening?" under her breath, and Raf sang it quietly while rocking with her in his arms.

Raf cupped Calli's cheek in his hand as he looked down at her.

"Calli, do you remember that first episode of Violet Evergarden? She's walking through the market with Major Gilbert and she sees the emerald brooch. She tells Gilbert it's the same color as his eyes. Then she asks what the feeling is called that she felt when she saw the brooch."

Calli put her hand on her chest, mimicking what Violet did, nodding. "Yes, of course...it was so sweet and touching."

"Yes! Exactly! She was struck by and overpowered by her feelings. They became so strong. That's how I feel when I am with you, Calli. Just seeing you fills me with such joy and euphoria. I'm overcome by my feelings for you. I'm at your mercy because I will always be drawn to you like a moth is drawn to a flame. You are like the moon in my dark sky. You are the guiding light that helps me feel secure."

Raf lifted Calli's hand to his lips and kissed her finger where the engagement ring was.

"When I first saw a picture of you with your green eyes, I remembered that episode. It hit me so hard. I already had all these feelings for you. An idea started. I wanted this ring to be like the brooch, so that each time you looked at it, you could know that feeling I have when I think of you."

Calli looked down at the engagement ring Raf gave her. The stone matched her eyes perfectly, and when she looked back up at Raf, he knew that she understood. He nodded.

"Yes, my love. That's exactly why I chose that gem. Because it reminded me of your eyes. I knew that was the ring I wanted to put on your finger, the perfect symbol of my love for you." This so touched Calli, she had no words. All she could do was hug Raf.

Raf hugged Calli with every spare fiber of his being. He breathed in and out, holding her tight. He breathed as a form of gratitude, and just holding her like that was sheer bliss. Raf's eyes were closed as he was filled with such emotion that it felt as if the world had stopped, and all they needed was each other.

Later that evening, the couple walked hand-in-hand into the concert venue. Calli was wearing a pair of flat-heeled ankle boots, so she was a full 9" shorter than Raf. That didn't keep him from checking out how her ass looked in her jeans, though. And he wasn't the only one who noticed. Raf grinned good-naturedly; his woman was fine and everyone could see it.

"You look incredible, baby."

He kissed Calli on her cheek, and then he looked over at the other members of the crowd. He saw their reaction to her looks, the jealousy; but it didn't matter. She only had eyes for him and he had faith in their love.

Calli and Raf entered the venue and began taking in the energy. It was full of anticipation, a loud, chaotic buzz. There were no moments of quiet, only the dull roar of an excited crowd.

Calli smiled. "Thank you. And you look ridiculously hot, as always." He pulled her back against his chest and clasped his hands at her waist as the lights dimmed. The band started the set with "In Extremis."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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