Wish Comes True

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'I really don't want to fight with Jiang Cheng. I don't want to fight my brother.'  These were the only words he was repeating in his head.

Jiang Cheng was leading the siege at Burial Mounds. All the clans were attacking. Everyone was here. Nie Mingjue, Jiang Cheng, Jin Guangshan, Jin Guangyao, Sect leader Ouyang, Sect leader Yao, Lan Xichen, Lan Qiren. Everyone he could think of were there. Everyone he could think of wanted him dead. Everyone.....

And now, of all the people, it was Jiang Cheng who was leading this siege at Burial Mounds.

'It had to be him. I have to fight my brother. What did I do so wrong to deserve this? What did I do so wrong?'  Wei Wuxian thought sadly.

'But then again, what did I do so right.' 

'I was the reason that Lotus Pier had become like this. I was the reason behind Madam Yu and Jiang shushu's death.  I was the reason that Wen Ning and Wen Qing were killed. Even Shijie and  that Peac- Jin Zixuan were killed because of me. And now, even the wen remnants, who had taken me as their savior, cherished me like a family member, died because of me.'

'Do I even deserve to live? Everyone I know wants to kill me. I promised to kill the evil and save the weak. Now I'm the evil. I'm the bad guy. And so, it is only right for me to die. I should die now. I should....' He couldn't complete his thoughts. Tears streamed down from his eyes wetting his cheeks. He had let down everyone. 

Burial Mounds was being attacked from all sides. There was no way he could escape this siege. 

He was cornered. More so, he was broken.

His corpse army was fighting with the cultivators. There were bodies everywhere. But he knew, he was losing it. Losing this fight. Losing his control. He couldn't think rational anymore.  

He only hoped for some miracle to happen that could take him back to the past. Take him back to that day Lotus Pier was attacked. Where everything changed for him. 

He would protect Lotus Pier. 

Hell! He won't let those Wen bastards anywhere near his Lotus Pier. Only if this could happen....just somehow.... somehow he could go back in time.......

However, Wei Ying  could only laugh at himself for thinking these things. Who knew better than him that once done, nothing can change it. He knew better than anyone else that he can never go back to that time, that this is what it is, that he can only regret and dream about changing the past. But it was never going to happen. Never. 

His heart was aching. With every second that was passing by, his heart felt heavy and guilty.

 He let out a cry full of pain, regret and heartbreak. Loud enough that all stopped in their tracks. Pain so evident in that cry, yet everyone failed to notice it. Thinking that the Yiling Laozu had finally lost it and is shouting in anger to seek revenge.

Wei Wuxian's body trembled with pain and sorrow. His mind couldn't handle the sadness anymore and his body caved in. He fell to the ground on his knees as if begging whatever that is listening to take away his misery. He felt Jiang Cheng nearing him with his Sandu to kill him.

'Yes, who other than Jiang Cheng deserved to kill me. He was the one who lost the most because of me. His family, his A'jie, his friends, his sect.... his everything.'

Yet, somewhere deep in his heart he wanted that person to be Lan Zhan.... he wanted Lan Zhan to be the one to kill him...

'Lan Zhan? Why am I thinking about Lan Zhan in my last moments? '

His thoughts were broken when suddenly a bright white light flashed in front of him. Silence took over the place. And just like that, the time stopped.

'And, And.... What!? It was running backwards!!???'

Hey guys!! This is my first time writing. 

Hope you guys enjoy the story!!

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