Back To The Past

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Wei Wuxian was startled by the bright light in front of him. He instantly got back to his feet. He observed that the light had a tail trailing it, making it look like a comet. Before he could react he felt the light surrounding him. The light encircled him before it formed a barrier around him; engulfing him. And then, suddenly, everything became silent.

Out of the blue he felt a strong force pulling him from behind. He tried to fight against the force, but it was all to no avail. After having used up all his energy defending himself from the siege, he had not much strength left in his body. He tried hard to balance his body but the force was too strong for him. Soon his body stopped resisting and the pulling on his back became even more stronger. 

He looked around himself only to see everything moving backwards. He could see some distorted figures on the light enclosure. Only when he heard one of the figures speaking is when he realized who it was. It was him. This picked his curiosity and he strained his eyes more to focus. With the increased straining of his eyes, the images became more clearer. Sometimes he could see some other familiar faces as well. As the realization dawned on him, he understood instantly what he was seeing.

It was his life that he was seeing. 

'How could this be? Could it be that I have actually died and was seeing everything that had happened? '

He had heard from the locals back in his Yunmeng days that people once revisit their memories before they die. He remembered how ridiculous the idea had felt to him. 

'Isn't it like you doing an empathy on yourself without even trying and reliving your embarrassing moments forcefully. Jiang Cheng, doesn't this motivate you to live as long as possible, considering you might have to relieve all the moments of me teasing you again.'  This had lead to Jiang Cheng shouting profanities at him, causing him and other YunmengJiang sect disciples to laugh.

However, now the situation seemed to be different.

Is it what it is? But it felt way too real for it to be something happening just in his head. He was trying to make out which events were happening before his eyes, but it was moving way too fast for him to understand. He was now straining his eyes even more to keep focus.

He could hear himself asking Jin Zixuan to not intervene. Was it at the Qingqi path? he thought to himself. Before he could react, he heard himself playing Chenqing and an ominous tune covered the area. He screamed helplessly at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes as he knew what was going to happen. But he felt something was out of place.

Wait! He did play this tune, but this tune sounded a bit different. And suddenly, as if answering to his thoughts, he heard two flutes being played. The other flute perfectly matched the tune he played, however, with some notes being played differently. 

'Wait, what? How could it be?..... Could it be that someone else was also there? '

Then he suddenly remembered that this same situation had happened in the Nightless city. He had heard another flute piece which was not being played by him.

'Was it that someone was tampering with the commands that I was giving!?'

Before he could think any further, the scene before him started moving even faster than before. Just by looking at it gave Wei Wuxian a headache, and his head felt as if it was spinning.

He felt the urge to throw up, but before he could, he felt himself being pulled back, which made him lose his balance, and he fell. Instead of hard ground, he fell on a soft surface. He tried to look around, but his eyes were blurry from the constant spinning. His head felt heavy, and he fainted from tiredness.

Wei Wuxian woke up after a long time. As he came to consciousness from sleep, he started recollecting the events that had happened before he fainted. 

Just to confirm his suspicion he pinched himself.

"AAhhhhh, that hurts. It means I'm indeed alive... But how?"

He looked around his surroundings to understand where he was. Looking around, he realized that he was now lying on a bed in a tent.

From the small outlet-type window opening of the tent, he could see the trees outside and the few tents set up around the place. He could make out that they were deep in the forest by the looks of the dense trees around the area. These trees could only be found deep in the forest.

'This is strange. How did I end up from almost being killed at Burial Mounds to this tent in the forest? '

He tried to get up to find answers to his questions, but then he heard footsteps approaching the tent, and suddenly someone in purple robes emerged from the corner with a tray in his hands. Seeing his face, Wei Wuxian felt all the blood being drained from his body.

"Wei Wuxian, how many times do I have to tell you not to get up? Will you die if you don't fool around for some time? Especially when your body is in such a state," the man in purple robes spoke in an irritated tone.

Wei Wuxian blinked his eyes twice before confirming the identity of the person.

'It was Jiang Cheng'

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