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After I have departed from Aiden, I began walking back home. Apart of me feels as if a piece of me has been taken away from me. The wolf within me began to whimper in sadness. Why was she sad for? There was nothing to be sad. As I inhaled deeply, I suddenly felt a tear down my face. This doesn't make any sense. Why am I crying? I wiped the tear from my face, and now tears filled my eyes. My knees began to weaken and I fell straight down to the ground.

I nearly felt like an anxiety attack had struck me again but, this time it was different. My ears then began to ring and my stomach began to twist and turn in such a painful way. I grab hold onto my stomach while the other grips the dirt and the grass. From a distance, I see my dad and my twin brother Andrew calling out to me, approaching me. My brother takes one side of me while my dad takes the other. Reassuring her that everything will be okay. Over and over. My vision then goes black as my eyes close shut.

Andrew's POV

My mother was preparing for lunch for the family while my father and I were in the study discussing important events that will happen soon in the next 3-4 months. Out of nowhere I felt my vision becoming a blur and my knees becoming weak. I felt the most unbearable and indescribable pain I have ever felt. My father kneeled before me trying to help me up on my knees, "Son, what's going on?" He asks me worryingly. I sat on the chair he placed me on and the pain suddenly went away. "Andrew what happened?" my father asks one more time.

My eyes glowed, all my scenes became heightened. "Andrea." I said in such a concerned tone. Without hesitation I ran out of my fathers study and towards the door. I sniffed the air before me trying to catch wind of where my sister may be. "Andrew what the hell is going on? What is wrong with your sister?" My dad asks angrily. "No time to explain dad. I need to find Andrea." However I remembered how she stood 30 meters away from where I was standing, as I quickly ran there positioning myself, trying to understand what she would see. My wolf suddenly speaks to me "Over there in the far left middle of the forest." Suddenly I began to inhale deeply, my eyes began to change. Andrea was sitting on the ground holding onto her stomach, tears fell on her face. Andrea screamed loudly as if the pain was too unbearable for her to handle.

My father and I approached her quickly as we can. Both of us grabbed each side of her carefully to stand on her two feet but she couldn't her eyes were closing. As we approached the door, I held my sister bridle style inside our home. Reassuring her that everything was going to be okay. That everything will be fine. We laid her on the couch, my mother then began to prepare a damp wet cloth to place above her forehead. Her entire body heated like nothing before. "Dad what's going on with her? Why is her body heating up?" I asked worryingly.

Both my parents pushed me aside to tend to Andrea. I noticed how they were both looking into each others eyes, as if they were talking with each other privately. I took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled. The heat on Andreas body began to leave. Her body temperature began to lessen to a much more stabilizing manner, I held Andrea's hand praying to the moon goddess that she would be okay. To my surprise she slowly opens her eyes, glances around her surroundings and then looks at me.

Andrea's POV

My eyes slowly open, seeing my dad next to me kneeling and then my mother above me as I seem to be laying on her lap and then the one person I hoped to see. My twin brother stood next to me on my left. I quickly hugged him tightly, tears began to fall on my face. I felt my mother rubbing my back, reassuring me that everything is okay, and then my father attacking me with questions about my well-being.

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