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Andrea's POV

I quickly got up, running to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I doublechecked myself in the mirror to see if my outfit was okay. As I quickly ran downstairs, passing through my brother, I opened the screen door to my backyard where my parents were chatting with one another exchanging laughs and a smile. "Hey mom, dad. I'm gonna go ahead and meet up with my friend so they can come over, is that okay still?" I asked nervously. Based off my fathers reaction, he tenses up and lets the skewers cook for a bit. "Who's this friend?" my dad asks me. My mom slaps my dad in the arm where he lets out a laugh. "Yes, dove it's perfectly okay." my mother says to me genuinely.

I gently shut the screen door, and quickly run out the door. I feel the breeze against my skin, and the wind blowing my hair. "Hey." A low voice creeps up behind me. I overlook my shoulder and see my twin brother. "What?" I asked. "Where are you headed to now?" he asks me questioningly. "Well, mom allowed me to invite him to the barbecue, he didn't mind coming either." My brother doesn't responds, but instead he looks at me as if he's questioning something. "Kay, be careful." he says as he walks back inside the house

I slowly close my eyes, visioning my wolf. Her majestic white fur, her clear blue eyes and all her might. I feel my bones crack and limbs change its form. There I was in front of my house standing in all fours. I sniffed the air, trying to catch Aidens scent. I walked around the forest of the wolves and even near the place we last saw each other. The smell of teakwood and sandalwood ash fills the air around me. He really came back. I say to myself in wolf form. Aiden then approaches me with a smile, and I feel my wolf and I extremely giddy inside. My tail begins to wag left to right, and I then proceeded to approach him. "Hey white wolf." he says petting my fur ever so gently. I let out a playful growl responding hello. "Wanna lead the way to the barbecue or did you want to spend some time before we go?" he asks me with his head tilting. So I walked behind him, pushing him forward. "I take it you want to spend sometime alone." he says laughing as he walks forward.

I led him to a small lake near the near the forest of the wolves where I tend to go to all the time just to get away from my troubles. As I approached the water I look down at the clear blue lake in front of me proceeding to find a comfortable spot to lay in the grass. Aiden then follows suit and sits besides me. "Its beautiful here." He says admiring as well. I then laid my head on his lap, allowing him to pet me once more. I weirdly enjoyed this with him. It almost felt like I knew him before in a past life, and we're both just simply reconnecting where we left off.

Aidens POV

As Andrea lays her head on my lap. The lake she's brought me to wasn't far from where I first found her. The forest of the wolves. I didn't know what it was but it felt like she wanted to tell me what had happened yesterday but didn't know how either. Gently tapping her head I ask, "Can I ask you something?" she looks at me with a tilted head and curious eyes, "Did you take me here because you wanted to tell me what happened after we parted?" I asked concerned. Andrea began to whimper sadly as she looks away. "I wanna try something but do you trust me?" I ask her. She sat in front of me, wagging her tail.

I feel my eyes change colors from yellow to red. After placing both of my palms on the side of her face gently. I slowly began to place our foreheads together. This was something my mother had taught me whenever I felt the need to communicate with a supernatural creature through their mind link. I've tried it with just phoenix but never with a wolf. So Its a first for everything. As we both parted, she looks at me confusingly, "What the all that for??" she asks herself. I let out a laugh, "It's so I can communicate with you through your mind white wolf." Andrea then looks at me shocked and wide eyed. "Woah you can do that?! How did you do that?" she asks me. I shrug at her and say, "No idea, my mom taught me this method privately whenever I needed to communicate with a supernatural creature. Who hasn't or couldn't shift to their human form." I thought for a moment in silence, "I've done it a few times though, we had a few Phoenix's unable to shift back to their human form mostly cause it was their first time shifting." Andrea looks at me with interest in her eyes, almost as if she was listening to me. "Part of me- i guess I can say role in this is that I train most of the Phoenix's, but anyway enough about me, why did you faint? I asked her boldly changing the subject. She looks out into the lake lost in thought, then she says, "I honestly don't know. I felt my body heat up and everything started to go black." she says to me terrified. "That's never happened before." I know nothing of wolves, but this made me question it also.

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