二十一┃ the tale of yuuto uzumaki

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The Tale of Yuuto Uzumaki

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE,The Tale of Yuuto Uzumaki

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Yuuto Uzumaki, the name Madara Uchiha will never forget

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Yuuto Uzumaki, the name Madara Uchiha will never forget. The red-haired man was what Madara called a waste of powerful potential, guided blindly by emotions. Still...

He was the first and only person to intimidate Madara Uchiha.

Sitting on the statute, Madara began to recall his youth, the day everything was set to commence, the day he met Hashirama Senju and Yuuto Uzumaki, his formidable rivals and childhood friends.


Madara tended to stray near the river bank on his downtime, awaiting boredly. War has been waging throughout his entire life, three of his siblings being killed young, and now it was just him and Izuna. Being the eldest son, he was born with more responsibility and less free time, always sent out, it was what his clan called a genius.

The black-haired boy concentrated, his eyes staring down the river before skipping the stone in his grasp. It nearly made it, but it sunk as the speed slowed down. Picking up another, his brows ceased, "This time, I'll reach the other side!"

Just before he was about to throw it, another stone flew from behind him. It bounced steadily on the water, making it to the other side. Madara's eyes looked back, seeing a boy with a bowl cut behind him. The boy spoke up with a smirk his left eye still shut, "Just aim it a little higher than you'd expect. That's the trick."

"Yeah, I know! It'll get there, if I simply put my all into it," Madara's brow knit together, "Who the hell are you, anyway?"

The boy smirked, "Right now, I'm your stone-skipping rival, but my stone is already on the other side."

"Answer me! I ask you who you are!"

"First name is Hashirama but I can't tell you my last name. And this is-!" The boy, Hashirama looked confused, until he noticed something behind a tree, shouting, "Yuuto! C'mon, it's fine!"


The boy, Yuuto came out of hiding, and the first thing Madara could think was red. The boy had bright red hair, a peculiar color, something Madara never said in his existence. With red hair, was wavy and reached to his shoulders. Yuuto mumbled to Hashirama once close, "What if they need us?"

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