[ A class from Inazuma are coming? ]

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Xiao's POV :

Warnings : swearing

I heard about a class from Inazuma coming, and to be honest I couldn't care less. It was a postive Kazuha was coming but it's just a hastle.

I sat down at the empty seat on the table we owned but never used. Our school had a dorm like system. I stayed with Venti and Aether. Aether was a transfer student alot and decided to not to leave Liyue to Inazuma like his sister.

Venti was old friends with Zhongli, and since Liyue and Mondsadt are fairly close he went to my school. It was more focused in music that the schools in Mondasdt he told me. But I think the real reason was he could fool people into giving him wine.

¡ New Messages !

Ganyu 💕
Hii Xiao, how are you today?

I'm ok

Ganyu 💕
I'm doing okay!!

Ty for asking!


Ganyu 💕
I think the kids from Inazuma are arriving at some point today.

Isn't that exciting?

I guess.
Seen at 11:42am

I put my phone down and started to look ahead. Since these kids from Inazuma were coming, they arranged the day off with everyone.


New Messages !

Hello!! :)


Soo hru?

Ok, u?

I'm alr-


Why are you so dry


I am not.

Yes you are, 😒

I heard you know Kazuhaaa 😯

Yeah i guess i do

How do you know him?

He's dating my brother-

Oh who's your brother?

Scaramouche :)

Oh that's sad.

Wdym, Mouchie is the best 😱

He broke Venti's microphone last time, tossed Aether's books into the sea and shoved me into a river.

Very amazing.

Ohhh yea I remember him telling me.

That was pretty funny, he described you as "a boy smaller than me." Lol imagine.




Seen at 11:58am

I put my phone face down. And I lent my head on my elbows as someone pushed a plate of tofu at me.

"Hm?" I hummed as I looked up to see Aether. His golden hair in a mess.

"You looked like you could use this." Aether smiled, as he sat on the opposite side of the table.

"Thanks Aether," I answered slowly, taking a bite of something so delicious.

"A penny for your problems?" Aether asked with a low mumble.

"No I'm okay, just tired sorry." I answer, shooting him a tired glare.

"Oh okay, well I'm gonna go get Lumime she's arriving in 20 minutes you wanna come?" Aether asked me as he standed up and dusted his jeans off.

"Sure, I have nothing better to do," I reply with.

We let Venti know we are going to go pick up Kazuha and we set off to the harbour.

"Hey Xiao, I really like-" Aether begins to be interrupted by Hu Tao running and hugging him.

Aether sighs and hugs her back with a weary smile.

"Hey Hu, what you doing here?" Aether asked her while she stared at him.

"Oh yeah, I'm waiting for my friend." She simply replies with a smile.

"Oh nice!! Look a boats coming!!" Aether says excitedly searching for his twin.

I spot Kazuha, he is on the side waving, while a purple haired boy is flayed to his side. The one and only Scaramouche. A bit futher down near the front I spot Lumime. She is frantically waving at Aether.

Beside her is another person, they have h/c. They wave a bit aswell before turning around.


Once they arrived at the harbour, the purple haired lady introduced herself. Hu Tao practically jumped into the h/c girls arms.

"HU TAO I MISSED YOU!!" They yelled while hugging the other.

"MEE TOO Y/NN!!" Hu Tao yells as she pulls the persona closer.

'Y/n sounds familiar-'



Hope you enjoyed, guess what i pulled ayaka a couple days ago! shes now at level 50- harvesting her material is annoying.

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