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Y/n's POV:

Warnings : none

You looked at the boy stood next to the blonde. He was staring at you wierdly.

"Y/n?" Hu Tao asked you as she shook your shoulders tryna get your attention.

"Yeah?" You ask her, blinking twice and looking at her.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Yeaah! Just zoned out a bit- that was all!!" You reassured her, rubbing the back of your neck slightly.

"Hey Kazuha!" A blonde boy called out to the other.

"Oh Aether! Hello." Kazuha greets as he bows and goes to hug Aether.

"It's so nice to see you!!!" Aether whines happily as he hugs Kazuha tightly.

"Yeah haha," Kazuha smiles, as someone appears on his shoulder.

"Get off my boyfriend." The raven haired boy snaps, as he glares down at the blonde boy.

"Scara, we talked about this. Play nice." Kazuha smiles as he pinches the back of Scaramouche's ear.

"OW. okay jee- Hi. I'm Scaramouche Raiden." He whines as he glares at Kazuha.

"Cool! Cool! I'm Aether, that's Xiao, and Hu Tao! And uh someone else?" Aether says, unsure of you.

"Their name is Y/n Raiden L/n." Scaramouche answers, you can tell he doesn't like Aether one bit. thats why he took teppi away (i think thats his name)

"Oh! Nice to meet you!" Aether smiles as he reaches out to your hand. You shake it weakly in response and turn to see another blonde.

"Uugh Aether get your filthy hands off Y/n, their waaay ouutta your league-" A sharp headed blonde says, as she comes up behind you.

"Lumime!!!" Aether squeals as he grabs the blonde and pulls her into a massive hug.

She pats his back weakly and smiles, "there there Aether,"

He beams at her as she pats his head. Xiao just stares at you and thats when you realize.

"Xiao?" You ask, as you stare at the teal haired boy.

"Yeah?" He answers, turning it into a question aswell.

"Oh my god, IT'S MY BESTIE XIAO!!" You yell as you throw your hands into the air.

Hu Tao just stands there and laughs as you give Xiao an interview and shake him to which he hates.

"-et off!" He manages out as you stop shaking him.

"Sorry!!" You smile as you apolgise.

"Y/n, Kunikuzushi, Kazuha, come along, your classmates have gone to there allocated places, let's go. You can see your friend's later." The purple braided lady smiled.

You nod and pick up your suitcase, Kazuha and Scaramouche following your actions.

"See you Hu! Bye bye Xiao!!" You giggle as you walk beside your mother.

"Mfm! Bye Y/n, I'll mesaage you!" Hu tao yells as you put a thumbs up.

"Byee Kazuha! Bye Lumim- oh she's already gone." Aether begins trailing off, spinning and looking for his now gone sister.

"Well Aether, we should probably head back- or Venti will start complaining." Xiao reminds Aether as they begin walking back.

"Ah yes!" Aether remembers and walks away with Xiao with a tiny grin.


You unpack your things, you and your brother and his wandering love share a room together. Who would've thought a 3 bunk bed would've existed.

You claimed the middle, Scaramouche claimed the top and Kazuha the bottom. You just went along with whatever they'd said.

Srry the chpt is short, ive had nooo motivation

Wordcount : 562

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