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the fact or condition of being with another or others, especially in a way that provides friendship and enjoyment.

the fact or condition of being with another or others, especially in a way that provides friendship and enjoyment

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Third Persons POV


Jennie's funeral was held three weeks ago.. Everything went smoothly.. No problems happened at all.. Every single one of her few friends came while holding a white daisy.. They all threw it on her grave when she got burried..

Jennie's mom did not flew away from the country any more.. They decided to stay in Korea for good for this is Jennie's hometown and as much as possible, they want to stay close to Jennie..

Rosie and Jisoo went to their normal lives and came back to school although the happiness that once light up their eyes were gone..

Sure they're happy because they got each other but it's just really different when their group is missing.. The only sunshine is missing..

Kai heard about what happened and he came to send his condolences.. He attended Jennie's burial and cried silently without making anyone see him.. He's hurt.. But a part of him was happy..

"At least she's able to rest now, at least she doesn't have to be hurt any more"

He thought.. He hoped that Jennie is somewhere in a good place.. Watching them from somewhere close and will guide them to their path..

Lisa though...

No one has ever heard her talk ever since after the wedding..

She did not say anything but she stayed close to Jennie's coffin every night.. She would clean her coffin every morning and then she would take a break in the afternoon so she could watch Jennie again at night..

Her Sweet Soul - ( JenLisa ) Where stories live. Discover now